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I have good news everyone!!! Classes ended like nearly a month ago and my grades have  finally been finalized!!! I have all A's in my classes AND I even have a 112.77% in my Ancient Philosophy class thanks to all the times I did the extra credit short essay questions on the exams 🤓

Now... onto some bad news 😔 If you've read the author's note of my "Drew Tanaka & the Aphrodite Kids Deserve Better" rant in my guidebook, then you're probably aware that I made a major mistake in my plot which is why I took so long to update the previous chapter. 

It's a BIIIIIG mistake and I have to go through all 10+ drafted chapters and edit them. Sometimes I have to rewrite big chunks too and it's just been taking a lot of time for me to fix. So updates will be a little slower until I completely finish fixing my mistake ☹️

ON THE NIGHT OF NEW Years Eve, Esmerelda and Ethan had a date over at the ice skating rink at Rockefeller Center. It was super hard to get a time slot around midnight, but with Ethan's help they were "lucky" enough to get one of the spots.

Neither of the two have ever ice skated before, so they were stumbling around for the first couple of minutes and hanging on to the railing for dear life until they finally got used to it.

"Essie, would you slow down, you're gonna fall," Ethan grumbled trying to catch up with her.

"Sorry," she called out. "It's kinda hard on these things..." She said, glancing down at the skates.

"They suck," he said flatly. "I can't believe we paid thirteen bucks for these shitty skates. The ice sucks too, it feels like I'm skating through gravel."

She had to agree with that. The ice rink wasn't exactly the most smoothest and she was pretty sure some of the skating shoes they were renting out were duck taped together... But that didn't matter much to her. The both of them had a day off, no classes to teach, no metals and supplies to retrieve, and no meetings to attend. Plus, it was New Years Eve, the perfect day for a date.

When Ethan finally caught up to her, he grasped her hand so he wouldn't lose her in the large crowd again.

"You wanna head back to that bakery we passed once this is over?" He asked eagerly, his stomach grumbling a little. They had dinner a few hours ago at this seafood place where they practically gorged themselves full, but when Ethan caught a glimpse of the oreo donuts they were serving at this one bakery, he was starving all over again.

"Oh yeah definitely," she replied. "We should probably bring a bunch of desserts for everyone else too, and maybe get an order ready so we got something to eat for the next meeting."

"Those meetings are useless," he rolled his eye. "It's always just about asking Leo how close the ship is to being built—which he already stated in the first meeting would take a couple of months—and then the rest of the meeting is just everyone moping about Percy."

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