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Who... the fuck... is Lorenzo Berkshire??? While I was looking for more books to read on Wattpad, I kept on seeing some fanfics about a dude called Lorenzo Berkshire??? Apparently he's a Harry Potter character but I've literally never heard of him from the books...

Is he a fanfic character?? Cuz omg that means ppl have been making fanfics about a fanfic which is actually kinda cool. But seriously, who is he, where's he from, and is the original book any good???

Anyways, there's a nice lil Linny bonus at the end! 🥰

THE QUESTION OF THE IMMORTAL sorceress kept Esmerelda up every night. 

She had no idea who it could be. Her first immediate guess was Voldemort due to the 'immortal' part (since that guy seemed desperate for immortality for some stupid reason), but he didn't exactly fit the 'sorceress' part.

Was it someone from the wizarding world? The chances of that were extremely low, so it had to be someone from the divine one. She would've done some research to try and figure it out, except she was really busy with her spell. 

It took her weeks to finally complete the damn thing.

Before that, she was able to successfully see through the eyes of whoever the spell was cast on without killing anyone which was great and all... except she didn't know how to make it stop. Nor did she really figure out how she could make the other person activate it. Nor did she figure out how to stop her eyes from bleeding out every time she did it. Or how to stop nearly passing out from over-exertion. Or—

You get the point.

But now, in the chilling beginnings of February, now Esmerelda had finally accomplished it. For weeks she spent as much time as she could in the forbidden forest—occasionally skipping classes and forgoing homework, but who cared about that anyways—and asking the herd of centaurs to be her voluntary test subjects.

(It was perfectly safe of course! It was only in the very early stages of her spell crafting did the first couple of hundred undead/monstrous test subjects brutally die! So no centaurs were harmed in the final stages of the spell crafting process!)

The only problem was that she needed a living human subject. The sole purpose for this spell was for Sirius' sake after all, and he wasn't built the same way as centaurs, monsters, or dead people. She couldn't even ask a demigod for the same reasons too (plus, Ethan was going to be busy prepping for exams and his next debate and she knew he would ditch it all at the drop of a hat if she needed his help with anything).

But... which human to test it on...?

Esmerelda's eyes swept across the Room of Requirement where the DA members were waiting patiently for Harry's lesson to begin. She scrutinized every potential test subject—whoops, she meant 'student'—mentally debating which one would be the perfect mortal to try it on. Or maybe she could get a whole group of them and observe the different effects? Or—

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