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ETHAN BARELY LOOKED UP TO address the three annoying shitheads that stood in front of the table he was sitting at. 

He spent most of his time either in Esmerelda's room or the library doing the same thing as always: reading all these law books and trying to understand how things worked. It wasn't too difficult for him though, most of the terms they used were familiar to him, but the court was just...

Gods, he thought as he flipped to the next page. This is so fucking corrupt.

His biggest issue was the Wizengamot, which was basically a collection of wizards who were set to serve as the judge and jury for any criminal in the UK who broke magical law. What pissed him off the most about this system was that the Minister had some power to select members of the Wizengamot. Obviously, Fudge was going to use this chance to pick his most loyalist members to attend Sirius' trial.

Maybe I should kill Fudge... he wondered to himself, still ignoring the trio in front of him. He was probably going to resign after Sirius was proven innocent anyways since that would've been the last straw to the public, but Ethan didn't see anything wrong in killing him right now. Besides, the idiot already caused a bunch of other people to die by denying Voldemort's return and risked hundreds of other lives too. The corruption alone would be enough to give him a nice spot in the Fields of Punishment, so there was no harm in sending him there in an earlier date...

"Excuse me," Hermione spoke up, her two equally as annoying friends hiding behind her. "We were wondering—"

"—Leave me alone, I'm busy," he cut her off curtly, not even sparing them a glance.

Hermione's jaw dropped at his rudeness, and she could feel Ron tugging at her arm and whispering, "Come on, Mione, we shouldn't bother him..."

But she continued to insist, "We wanted to offer you our help."

These are Essie's friends, these are Essie's friends, these are Essie's friends, he chanted in his head in order to keep his patience in check.

"No thanks," he said in a forcefully calm tone.

"But we know some things," she pressed on. "We've got a lot of information to give you for Sirius' case, like what what happened in our third year—"

"—I already know," he grunted, mentally praying for them to just go away already.

She blinked. "You—you do?"

"Yes. He told me everything I needed to know."


He inhaled deeply, wanting to chuck the book at her face. "When I visited him in Azkaban, okay?"

"You visited him in Azkaban?!" Harry exclaimed, stepping forward so he was in front of Hermione now.

"I literally just said that."

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