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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER ELEVEN ▬▬▬▬▬

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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER ELEVEN ▬▬▬▬▬


HARRY NEARLY JUMPED OUT OF his seat when the door to Umbridge's office was kicked open.

"I cannot believe you!" Esmerelda fumed as she stormed in. She was dressed in a skirt and a knitted sweater with a cartoon bear saying 'I LOVE YOU BEARY MUCH!' on the front—not exactly threatening, but the look on her face made him shrink in his seat.

Umbridge, however, did not feel the same fear. Instead, she angrily rose to her feet, her face red and flushed at the audacity of the Hufflepuff girl.

"Miss Black!" She barked. "How—how dare you—"

"—Shut up, Delores," Esmerelda snapped. "I'm not talking to you. You only speak when you're spoken to, got it?"

Much to Harry's astonishment, Umbridge closed her mouth and sat back down in her chair. He had no time to question what was going on because Esmerelda was now directing her glare onto him now.

"I thought I told you to inform me whenever you had a detention with her?" She questioned, hands on her hips. She kind of reminded him of Mrs. Weasley whenever she was scolding one of her sons.

Harry swallowed thickly. "Uh, well—"

"—And look at your hand!" She cried out. "I can't believe you put yourself through this again! You're lucky Hermione told me about this, ugh! Come on, she has murtlap essence ready for you."

He allowed himself to be tugged out of his seat, too shocked to even do anything else. Was this really happening right now? He knew Esmerelda had told him to tell her if he was ever in another detention with Umbridge, but he hadn't thought she would actually barge in and interrupt.

He glanced over at Umbridge, but oddly enough she was just sitting at her desk, looking pretty subdued.

"I-is this really okay?" He muttered to Esmerelda. "And what's wrong with her?"

Her face twisted up into a sneer that disturbingly reminded him of the uppity Purebloods whenever a muggle-born so much as breathed near them. She looked at Umbridge like how she looked at Peter: with pure disgust, as if the woman was below her.

"She'll be fine," she said with poorly hidden venom in her tone. "Right, Delores? You're just gonna sit here and eat your cat food."

Umbridge actually smiled at the command. "Yes," she said, and Harry couldn't help but shudder at the listlessness of her face. Even though she was smiling, something about it felt unnatural and empty.

Umbridge scooted back on her chair and bent over to retrieve something he couldn't see. What she pulled out made his eyes bug out wide. It was a bag of cat food. She opened it and started reaching in with her hand...

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