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Alright, next chapter is the long awaited chapter 20, hurray!

But just to make this clear: EVERYONE HAS TO READ IT!

I've said this many times before, but the actual smut will NOT be in this series! So there's no actual sex going on in the next chapter! The full smutty scene will be in the Church of Essie, okay? SO YOU ALL STILL HAVE TO READ THE NEXT CHAPTER!

The only thing happening next chapter is a suggestive scene just like all the other suggestive scenes I've written before. The ending of chapter 20 is just a makeout scene that leads to the smut, BUT THERE'S NO SEX OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT

Once you've finished reading the whole chapter THEN you can go over to the Church of Essie and read the actual smut, OKAY???

So I don't wanna read any of your comments saying "I'm skipping chapter 20 cuz I don't like smut" SWEETIE, FOR HUNDREDTH TIME, THERE'S NO FUCKING SMUT IN THAT CHAPTER SO YOU STILL GOTTA READ IT!!!!! THE SMUT'S IN THE CHURCH OF ESSIE so smut lovers go there while everyone else can just avoid it! Easy as that!

Got it? Good!

WHILE EVERYONE WAS DISTRACTED BY Piper's claiming and Ethan's show of emotions (why were people so surprised by that second thing anyways? They acted as if her boyfriend was some robot...), Esmerelda used that chance to slink away from the amphitheater to go back to her cabin.

This day was a disaster. She had never felt so stressed before and she could feel her brain short-circuiting from... well, everything. She was pretty sure her brain had never worked so hard even for her many, many exams from Hogwarts.

Jason was a Roman demigod from Camp Jupiter. He had some weird connection with Hera/Juno/whatever and had her memories stolen from her. And now he was here... in Camp Half-Blood. Coincidentally, Percy was also missing from Camp Half-Blood and just so happened to disappear just recently as well.

She remember Hera talking about having something planned for the Greeks and Romans, but she hadn't expected that her plan consisted of kidnapping two leaders of rivaling camps (she was pretty sure Jason had some sort of leadership role back at Camp Jupiter, because why would Hera kidnap some random demigod?), wiping their memories, and sending them to each other's camps.

Nor did she expect Hera to start her plan so soon.

We just finished a war not even a year ago, she fretted as she made hurried steps away from the amphitheater. Why is she doing this now?!

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