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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER EIGHT ▬▬▬▬▬

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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER EIGHT ▬▬▬▬▬


No forbidden tango yet, but there's a makeout scene in the end... Also, guys, I have NO idea if I'm doing this right. Do make out scenes NEED a warning? I mean... I guess they're kinda sexual, but do you want me to put up warnings for these kinda things???

(Lololol, you can obviously tell that I've become desensitized to sexual content 😂)

ESMERELDA WAS BARELY ABLE TO keep still as she sat atop of her bed, her dorm room empty, and an Iris Message of Ethan floating before her.

"Tell me about that debating tournament thingy you went on in Albany! Did you win?" She asked excitedly.

"Of course I won," he snorted. "Everyone's arguments were honestly shit, they were so bad that I didn't even have any fun tearing them down. By the way, did you tell Nico about the tournament?"

She blinked at the accusing tone. "Yeah, why?"

"Wha—Essie, he was there!" He cried out.

That brought a smile to her face. "Really? That's great! He must have came to cheer you on."

"He brought a zombie in the building," he deadpanned. "The whole floor had to evacuate because of the dead body smell. The tournament was postponed until the next day and we had to stay in a cheap motel overnight. Your crazy-ass son broke into my room and ate all the refreshments in the fridge and I had to pay for it."

"...At least you won, though?"

"Can I please ground him," he begged her. "Come on, babe, please? How about we take him to that farm we were talking about? It'll be great character building for the little brat!"

"He's not a brat!"

"Demon spawn, then."

She rolled her eyes. "I'll think about it, okay? Now come on, tell me about something else!"

"The rest of the week's been shit too."

"But it's Monday."


"Good point... What happened?"

"Does your school make you do volunteer hours as a requirement to graduate?" He asked her.

Her eyes widened. "No, but I know what you're talking about! You're way behind, aren't you?"

"I have about five hours so far," he grumbled. "But I need to have a hundred, so I decided to be a tutor. Guess who the school's making me tutor?"

Esmerelda tried not to smile. "Is it Percy Jackson?"

"Percy fucking Jackson!" He fumed. "I've never met someone so terrible at math before. He's been at school longer then I have, yet his grades are absolute shit! He can't even do fractions, Essie. Fucking fractions. And—gods—do you have any idea how many times I had to explain a single math problem to him?! I spent a whole hour trying to show him how to do the first question!"

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