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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER FOUR ▬▬▬▬▬

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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER FOUR ▬▬▬▬▬

WHILE ETHAN WAS MORE THAN happy to help Esmerelda shop for her school supplies, he just wished she hadn't invited Nico to come with them. 

Look, he had already admitted it before, but he didn't hate the kid. But he definitely hated how much of a fucking cockblock he was. They were just about to leave for London when the little brat came in uninvited (seriously, how the hell does he even manage to come in at the worst times?!) and that was when Esmerelda got the brilliant idea to invite her annoying-ass... son too. 

(He still shuddered at the thought of Nico being Esmerelda's son, he preferred to think of him as Hades' spawn instead)

So now here they were, in Diagon Alley with one hand carrying all of her books and the other was clasped tightly around hers. Meanwhile, Esmerelda was cooing over Nico. Leaving him completely ignored. Ugh.

All this magic, he thought in annoyance as he glared at the surrounding shops. Yet they couldn't find a way to create some sort of child repellent?

"I think that's all the books I need," Esmerelda chirped after looking through her book list. "You guys want ice cream?"

Both boys perked up and began to follow her eagerly towards Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. The door to the shop opened with a ding and dirty looks were immediately thrown in their way once they stepped in. 

Ethan's mood darkened. Throughout their shopping trip, Esmerelda had been so happy to be spending time with them that she hadn't noticed how poorly she was being treated by the witches and wizards. But Ethan knew. He saw their mean looks and heard their cruel whispers. Judging by the stony look Nico wore, the younger boy had noticed them too. 

He knew that she had a pretty bad reputation in the wizarding world, but that was only because of the family she came from. Esmerelda herself hadn't really done anything wrong, she just had the misfortune to be a part of what was considered a 'dark' family... It also didn't help that everyone in the wizarding world were so disgustingly close-minded too. 

The old man behind the counter smiled at the previous customer before they left. Once Ethan, Esmerelda, and Nico came up next, his smile was replaced with a distrustful frown. 

"Order?" He asked curtly. 

Esmerelda turned to the boys. "What do you guys want?"

"If you haven't picked anything yet, then I'm afraid you'll have to go to the back of the line." The man said quite harshly. 

Esmerelda was stunned speechless at the aggression in his voice. She had ordered from here before and he had never been so... rude to her. 

Ethan, however, was not as silent. "Talk to her like that again," he said in a dangerously quiet voice. "And I'll cut out your tongue." 

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