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But anywaaaaays, here are the long awaited Heroes of Olympus characters! 😌

But anywaaaaays, here are the long awaited Heroes of Olympus characters!  😌

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Jason, Piper, and Leo
(aka the Lost Heroes trio)

- I couldn't give Jason the scar, smh 😒 but the rest is pretty accurate to what I always pictured him to look like so I'm pretty proud of myself! :D
[Accuracy: 9.5/10]

- My least favorite character, yay*  🙂 Unfortunately, she's canonically gorgeous so I had to make her Artbreeder profile gorgeous too. Everything's pretty accurate... except for her eyes. In the books she's described to have "kaleidoscope eyes", so when I looked up what that would look like I was... very daunted by all the colors and patterns that I definitely wouldn't be able to recreate on iPiccy 😞 Everything else is good, but I'm sorry about the eyes, guys!

[Accuracy: 9.5/10]

- Leo 🥺 🥺 🥺 this is the Leo I've always envisioned of. Dark skinned with the dark curly hair and just 🥺 🥺 He's perfect!!!
[Accuracy: 100/10]

 Dark skinned with the dark curly hair and just 🥺 🥺 He's perfect!!![Accuracy: 100/10]

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Hazel, Frank, and Reyna
(aka the Romans)

- Hazel is just 😍 At first, I would've rated this a perfect score in terms of accuracy but then I went back to her wiki page to read her physical description (I don't know why I did that after making the image smh) AND I REALIZED I ACTUALLY GOT HER WRONG? Hazel's described as having "cinnamon brown hair and gold eyes" 😳 Whoops, I've been picturing her as black haired and dark eyed for years. At least I got her dark skin right...
[Accuracy: 5/10]

- Frank was super hard for me to get down ☹️ I couldn't find a way to give him a crew cut and it kept giving me Caucasian faces too, it was super annoying! Plus, his jawline looks so sharp... I always imagined him with a rounder face...
[Accuracy: 4/10]

- Reyna ❤️ Reyna's just perfect ❤️ She looks like an actual queen who would gut you if you pissed her off. It sucks that I couldn't give her a braid though, but this is still amazing.
[Accuracy: 10/10]

* You guys are probably wondering why I don't like Piper. I've given several reasons throughout my guidebook, but I know not everyone reads it so I was wondering... should I make a rant about my reasons why??? There's already a super good rant by Autumn (who's from Quotev, I've given a link in my guidebook already btw) but... hmmmmmmm... 🤔 🤔 🤔

Moving onto Reyna, do you guys have any faceclaim recommendations for her? I'm struggling a lot with finding young Puerto Rican actresses ☹️ I know people like to use Tashi Rodriguez for her, but her appearance just seems so... soft and sweet to me??? My original faceclaim for her was Lindsey Morgan but she's Mexican and not Puerto Rican so yeah. 

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