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I hope you have your therapists on speed dial! 🤗

In the meanwhile, I'm gonna be rewatching the Twilight series since it's in Netflix (and they're all in the top 10 too?!?!?)

Oh and another thing! There's only TWO chapters left after this! The end of book five is near!!! 🥳

REMUS WONDERED WHEN HE STARTED to allow himself to be terrorized by teenagers. Then again, nobody could really blame him. He wasn't a coward by any means, teenagers these days were just much more terrifying than back in his day (Merlin he sounded old).

Esmerelda never terrorized him (except for her baby days), but there were things about her that did concern him—like the fact that she was suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and dating her kidnapper. Said kidnapper though, now he was terrifying and he barely spoke more than twenty words to him.

Right now, the current teenager that was terrorizing him was Regulus Black. He wasn't doing anything but standing in the living room, but that alone was enough to get Remus tense. He didn't appear threatening, his wand wasn't out, he was missing an arm, and he looked as if he hadn't slept in days, but there was just something off about him now.

Remus didn't know Regulus personally, but they had gone to school together. In the earlier years, Regulus seemed like a decent kid. Sirius had tried multiple times to talk to him, but he would always try to run away due to orders from their parents. Then the years went by and Regulus' avoidance became purposeful and he became less like a scared child wanting to obey his parents to a teenager who truly hated his brother.

He turned into the perfect example of a Slytherin: sneaky, cunning, and untrustworthy. He'd spit cold insults at the muggle-borns, look down on those who weren't as wealthy as he was, and he'd even go so far as to ruin the reputations of others for his own sadistic enjoyment. Sirius no longer talked about how much he missed his brother, but how much he hated him and his pureblood mania. Regulus became horrible, but Remus never saw him as frightening until now.

Because the eighteen year old Regulus before him was nothing like he schoolboy he met years ago. There was something darker about him, like he wasn't quite right in the head anymore. The once perfect, levelheaded, Black heir actually looked seconds away from losing control.

And well, Remus didn't exactly feel safe standing in front of him.

"Is," he cleared his throat. "Is something the matter, Regulus?"

"Is something the matter?" Regulus snapped. "What sort of stupid question is that, Lupin? What do you think is the matter?! My brother's in jail for something he didn't do and you're telling me just now that Kreacher had something to do with it?!"

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