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Another 'reading the books' fanfic!

It's called "Reading Aletheia (With a Side of Crying Wizards)" by deomoon who's from Quotev. Go check it out!

ETHAN WOULD'VE BEEN FREAKING OUT about the massive flood of cars speeding to his direction without any control, but he was too busy watching Esmerelda punch the giant on the nose. Without even thinking, he hopped off of Nemesis' motocycle and came stumbling forward like an idiot.

It was only when he saw a particular silver sedan driving towards him did he finally snap out of it.

"Oh shit!" He cursed, diving to the side just as the car skidded to a stop over the place he once stood.

A familiar figure angrily got out of the car, closing the door with a harsh slam.

Of all the fucking people, he thought as he got up to his feet.

It was Regulus Black, Esmerelda's not-so-pleasant father. They haven't even exchanged any words and the guy was already trying to run him over. This was gonna be great.

"Uh, hello sir," he said awkwardly, as if there wasn't bloody mayhem going on all around him. He felt kind of weird calling him 'sir'. Of course, you were supposed to address your girlfriend's dad with respect, but Regulus was literally just a year older than him... Then again, he couldn't just address him as 'dude' or 'bro'.

"I was hoping to turn you into roadkill," Regulus sneered, and wow this first meeting wasn't going very well at all.

"Nice to meet you too."

"Did I give you permission to speak?" He snapped, and then pointed his wand at him. Ethan tensed up upon seeing the bronze wand that had been given Hecate's blessing. "Avada—"

"—REGULUS?!" A voice shrieked.

It was followed by another, much croaky voice, "MASTER REGULUS!"

Both boys turned to see Andromeda rushing towards them, using her wand to shield herself from debris and shoving through crowds of panicking mortals. Kreacher was speeding forward right next to her and behind them, other residents of Grimmauld Place were at the door, screaming for them to come back.

"MASTER REGULUS, YOU'RE BACK!" Kreacher wailed in relief, dropping to his knees and hugging Regulus' ankles. His face was full of snot, and he didn't hesitate to smother it all over his pant leg (not that the elf was aware of what he was doing).

"Kreacher?" Regulus gasped, his anger fading away. "Good Merlin, Kreacher, what have they done to you?! You look like you aged a hundred years!"

But Kreacher was too busy sobbing to answer clearly.

"It's you!" Andromeda gasped loudly, grasping Regulus by the shoulders and growing more faint by the second. "Oh my Merlin—oh my—oh my—you're alive—how—you haven't aged, and—"

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