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Someone fucking save me. First I got distracted by yandere books, now I'm getting distracted by all these 'fem!Harry x Black!OC reading the books/watching the movies' fics and I hate myself because now I'm getting ideas of combining the two and making my own fucked up book and—

I must be stopped. I need to focus on my own yandere HP storry here.

(But do you have any recs tho???)

Now speaking of the Black family... I revamped my fancast for them so if you wanna check it out, go back to Book 3 (Aporia) and check out the chapter 'THE BLACK FAMILY' to see the changes I made!

PEOPLE WERE STARING AT ESMERELDA again while she was walking to the Great Hall for some breakfast. It was the weekend and she was wearing a really cute sweater with ponies on them, so she was hoping that that was why they were staring at her. Maybe they were thinking something nice like 'oh wow! Essie's wearing a really cute sweater today!'.

But nope. That wasn't it, unfortunately.

Judging from their wary looks and not-so-quiet whispers, the Daily Prophet had most likely went back to slandering her again which she wasn't so happy about.

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and the Weasley twins burst through the doors of the Great Hall, and they didn't look so happy either, but it was directed more so at the article Hermione was clutching rather than at her at least.

"Something big just happened," Hermione told her urgently. "We got to talk."

"But my breakfast—" Esmerelda tried to protest.

"—Here's a breadstick," she thrust one into her hands. "Now come on."

Esmerelda glanced down at the breadstick in dismay before following after them. At least it was a garlic breadstick.

She was led to the courtyard where they sat around stone table. Once they were all settled in, Hermione set down the Daily Prophet article in front of her.

"Look," she said.

Esmerelda looked down. Good news was that the Daily Prophet wasn't talking about her this time. Bad news was... well, everything else.


The Ministry of Magic announced late last night that there has been a mass breakout from Azkaban.

Speaking to reporters in his private office, Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, confirmed that ten high-security prisoners escaped in the early hours of yesterday evening, and that he has already informed the Muggle Prime Minister of the dangerous nature of these individuals.

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