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RIP Pepper McLean 😔✌️

Her account got reported and it was disabled the day I posted the previous chapter. But before that happened, she had the audacity to report one of my readers (Slytherclaw Hunter) who was defending me.

All of her not-so-bright comments have disappeared thanks to her deleting it, but that's okay. Mr. Food made a delightful little document about her full of screenshots, so I'll post the link in the comments here.

Anyways, I hope she never comes back! Since Quotev does IP banning, she'll probably never be able to come back! Shame she missed out on her free intervention though... Bitch was probably making out with her Jason Grace body pillow or something 🙄

Anyways, enjoy the books!


Ethan gets a little handsy at the end 👀

ALABASTER WOULD NEVER SAY IT out loud, but there was something terrifyingly unnerving about his little half-brother, Étienne Rosier. A part of him thought it was because they were too different—he was a Greek while Étienne was a Roman. Greeks and Romans had a bloody history and according to their mother, it was so bad that the gods had to literally split them apart with the Mist.

Maybe it was just his instincts screaming at him to be cautious, maybe it was just his paranoia after being attacked by his deranged monster sister, Lamia. He honestly didn't know anymore, but... a bigger part of him felt like something was seriously wrong with Étienne.

On the outside, the kid was mostly unassuming. He was pretty and kind of doll-like, a male version of his dreaded sis—no, Esmerelda. They could be twins with how alike they looked. Maybe that was why he was so wary around him, he resembled the girl too much, and he had learned the hard way of how dangerous she could be.

The only thing that could make people stop and question their initial judgments about him was the large scar. There were three claw marks marring Étienne's fair skin, starting at his throat and stretching down the front of his chest where it disappeared behind his shirt.

"What happened back there?" He had asked them when they first met.

He had found him in a convenience store, where he had charmspoke the employees there to stuff his backpack with all the supplies he needed. Alabaster had been impressed, neither he or any of his siblings had been able to use their Charmspeak so perfectly at the beginning of their demigod journey, so Étienne must have had prior experience.

But anyways, after he introduced himself and explained the whole 'exiled' thing (and sneakily avoided the topic of Esmerelda), he spotted the patch of gauze on his throat and asked about it.

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