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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER THREE ▬▬▬▬▬

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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER THREE ▬▬▬▬▬

I... underestimated your guys' love for Essie 😮 When I wrote the first two chapters, I thought FOR SURE that you guys were gonna hate/dislike her cuz of how mean she's been to Sirius and the fact that she killed a defenseless dude.

I LITERALLY THOUGHT, "they're gonna hate her 😔 but it must be done. *presses the publish button*"

BUT UR COMMENTS WERE A PLEASANT SURPRISE! I wasn't expecting to see a lot of you guys understand and/or support Essie's feelings. I really thought you guys were gonna side with Sirius since I know he's a well loved character in the fandom and in this series too (he's my fav HP character btw)

Lesson learned tho, I will never underestimate your love for Essie anymore 😂 😂 😂 (also thank you guys for loving her so much!💖)

IT WAS AS IF ESMERELDA had declared war that night. She might as well have, to be honest, since she and Sirius had become a hundred times more hostile then ever before. It was beginning to drive everyone wild with anxiety and worry—nobody could really pinpoint the exact vibes they were getting, but it felt like something dangerous was growing within the two Blacks. Honestly, everyone was just too scared to step in now.

Everyone except for Remus.

"It wasn't right of you to say that, Esmerelda," he said sternly, giving her a sharp look as she sat stiffly across from him.

She scoffed. "It wasn't as if I was wrong. What I said was true. Sirius looks at Harry as if he's James and he looks at me like I'm my dad—and apparently that's a terrible thing!"

There was nothing wrong with her father—if you excluded the body count, of course. Aside from that, he was great! He was an amazing father even when dead, he was creepily intelligent, and he was caring (to a select few people). Esmerelda couldn't see why being like him was a bad thing and she was properly offended Sirius would think so.

Remus winced. "Essie your father, well... he wasn't exactly the most nicest person."

"You rarely ever spoke to him though," she pointed out. Regulus had told her that he had only spoken to his brother's friends a handful of times, and each conversation had been short and scathing.

Remus didn't bother to ask how she knew that. "I didn't need to speak to him to know that he wasn't, ah, pleasant company. He was a Death Eater, remember? He, erm, hurt people. Many, many people." He made sure to add a little emphasis on the 'many'.

But he changed at the end, he became a better person! She wanted to tell him, but her father's request to keep his existence in the Underworld silent held her back.

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