Two Announcements :D

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First announcement: 

I revamped the Foreword of each of my books! 

I felt like the original format was........ ugly. So I changed it a bit, but not too much though. I also noticed that some of pictures I put on there (like the pics for my cast) were super low quality so I edited it to make them better too! I think the casting pics for every book was improved except for the ones in Book 4 Eudaimonia.

I couldn't find a better way to remove the annoying white background in my gifs 😩 The one that I used did okay, but you can still see the little bits of white background on it 😔 Plus, I couldn't find a way to improve the quality either 😭 So the gifs were left alone for Book 4.

(Canva only lets me remove the background for images, not gifs, so I had to resort to using some other website that lowered the quality and didn't do as good at removing the white part entirely)

Though if were to replace the gifs, then it would've removed the comments you guys made so on the bright side, at least I got to keep them! I especially love the comments you guys made on Étienne's aesthetic. I just found it too funny that almost everyone initially thought he was gonna be Essie's new love interest or some shit 😂😂😂

So yeah, all of my forewords have been revamped! I also revamped the quotev version of my books, but those edits were veeeery minor. 

Anyways, if you want, you can go check out the new foreword design and the improved quality pictures!

And now here's announcement two!

I have finally finished writing all the chapters for this book 🌚🌚🌚

This book is gonna be a rollercoaster, so buckle up and get ready for more pain. I won't tell you how many chapters are left until the end of this book, but all I can say is that there's still maaaany more chapters for you all to read! This is surprisingly longer than my other books, word count-wise and chapter-amount wise. 

Alright, the next update's coming.... ummmmm soon??? I think???? In the meanwhile, I'm going to get started with Book Six 😈

Moros━𝐯.( PJO/HP )Where stories live. Discover now