To all the haters I never loved 💔😞

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I got another Draco stan situation... except it's slightly better because at least these guys aren't advocating for incest (thank you for that btw, it's the one decent thing you've done).

Anyways, I'm not gonna name them because I have a feeling you guys might report them or send them hate back and well, I just don't think it would be effective on them??? Plus, they're not plagiarizing or doing anything super harmful, just being he...

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Anyways, I'm not gonna name them because I have a feeling you guys might report them or send them hate back and well, I just don't think it would be effective on them??? Plus, they're not plagiarizing or doing anything super harmful, just being hella annoying and unhelpful. I checked their profiles, and they look more like spam accounts too, they have no books, no libraries, no followers or follows, etc. etc. I feel like reporting them won't do much since they already have nothing...

So throughout the months, I've been getting some nice private (and not so private) messages about my writing 🙂 Telling me that they don't like my story or how I wrote some of the characters, and one person even told me to kill myself because of Essan??? It was starting to pile up, but I just dealt with it....

Until I got a lil more hate yesterday and I just kinda snapped and decided to write this.

Anyways, the recent hater is kind of like the Draco stan, except this bitch felt bold enough to publicly make their hate known by commenting on some chapters instead of doing something more private like sending me a message.

(Though I do applaud you for being smart enough to not comment on a paragraph where my Wattpad readers can easily see as they read along. Kudos to you for that, but that sort of just gave me the impression that you knew your comment would be nothing but hateful, so you commented somewhere other people are less likely to see it unless they actually scrolled through the entire comment section in order to avoid any backlash.)

Also, please don't tell me that these assholes meant it as constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is supposed to be helpful, you know? With actual advice and shit instead of just complaints??? None of their comments/messages were helpful, just "I hate how you do this this, I hate how you do that, I can't stand this, why did you write it like that" that's not at all helpful, darlings 😐

Anyways, what all of my haters have in common... IS THAT THEY COMPLAINED ABOUT SHIT THAT I ALREADY LEFT WARNINGS ABOUT?


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