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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER TWO ▬▬▬▬▬

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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER TWO ▬▬▬▬▬


Just to clarify, Sirius is MOSTLY upset with the fact that Essie killed Crouch Jr, who was already given the Dementor's Kiss and laying helplessly at St. Mungos. Essie straight up MURDERED HIM when he was already defenseless and harmless. Sirius is upset with her for charmspeaking him, but his biggest concern is how she ruthlessly killed a defenseless man, Death Eater or not.

(Also, he's the only one who knows of that. Nobody else knows it yet, which was why Remus and the Tonkses only kept bringing up the Mist thing.)

I'm sooorrrryyyyy, I should've been more specific about it ughhhhh.... 

But anyways, enjoy the second chapter :D

"HE WAS THE ONE FREAKING out the most when he saw them, but now he's pretending as if nothing ever happened!" Esmerelda fretted to the misty Iris Message of Ethan. She paced around her bedroom, having already cast a silencing spell around the area so nobody could eavesdrop—like the Weasley twins with their extendable ear products.

"Oh gods, Ethan, I don't know what to do," she yanked at her hair, feeling her stress levels rise. "We had this huge argument afterwards. I told him it was no longer safe here, but he wouldn't listen to me—didn't want to listen to me! It got so bad that we woke up Buckbeak who alerted the entire Order and then Kreacher arrived and he nearly hexed Sirius for 'daring to disobey me' and—gods it was just a mess!"

She had told Sirius, repeatedly, that a visit from the Fates was never a good thing. Especially if the only thing they did was cut a string in front of you. She had explained the entire story to her uncle, that the string was a person's literal lifeline, and that the act of cutting it basically meant death. The fact that they were looking right at him when it happened didn't ease her worries either.

Sirius was going to die, she was certain of it. Why else would the Fates appear to cut a piece of yarn? That was the only possibility of what it could mean. But did Sirius care? No! He dismissed her worries and acted as if nothing had ever happened!

She knew better than that though. She had seen the look on his face when he saw the three old ladies, the fear in his eyes and how his whole body began to shake when they cut the string. He knew what that meant, and he had to have known whose string that belonged to. They were looking right at him anyways.

It had been a day since their argument and they only grew more agitated. Sirius' mood would drop anytime she entered the room, like he already knew what sort of conversation to expect from her. And she'd only become angrier and desperate the more he continued to dismiss her. The entire Order had grown uneasy by the oppressive atmosphere that would appear whether they were in the same room together.

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