Season 1

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These past few weeks, we have been spending time finishing off 3 iconic BL stories which are The Best Bad Thing, His Heart Is His and Sanguine Lovers and because of that, of course, we will be bringing you 3 new stories back to back and this is the first one of the list and I am so excited for this one because this is so edgy, melodramatic and very mysterious... I describe Alter-native as something smart, expanded and very aware about how students struggle in school because everyone has their own ways to make it and survive and I am pretty sure that its never a piece of cake, some even do the riskiest jobs just to get through school and the worst thing is that when stories about a student spreads out, he will be made fun of, he will be considered as a disgrace and it will be a depressing stage to the struggling peeople themselves but in the end, everyone has their own secrets and everybody has a big valid reason for doing stuffs, it may be an addiction, obsession, guilty pleasure or it may be for survivability that is why, why would we judge if everybody has something to hide for a reason? Everybody has an alternate life when they are not in school as same as the face we show in school is just another side of us. Who am I talking about? who is hurt? who is hurting who? who does admits who they are? who comes the cleanest of them all? I am so delighted to introduce you the characters that we will learn to love and accept for who they are but it would be a long journey for all of us so here they are!

Main Casts:

Jameson Taft - K

He is a very popular student because of how smart he is, he is also known to be attractive which contributes a lot in his popularity and all of his friends are popular and known for who they are. Personally, he has a girlfriend who is hated by everybody but he finds and do his best to protect his girl and he also knows himself to easily be curious about a lot of things and it worsen when he really gets interested deeply until he is unaware that he is turning out into the things that he is interested in. He is secretly addicted to gay porn and his girlfriend knows about it which he denies a lot and struggles to stop that addiction.

Sam Valentine - M

He is a very nice yet quiet mysterious student and he gets bullied a lot for being an introvert. Despite of being the quiet one, he always have been looking forward to be friends with people and he looks upon the most into Jameson but he was silent about it because he is too unfortunate to fit the group. To everyone, he is one big mystery, even to Jameson because nobody knows how he survives, nobody but his closest friend knows. He survives school by being a gay alter, a call boy, a boy toy every weekends and he gets paid for doing it. That is the darkest secret that he hides, he is ashamed and the thing that separates his social life to everyone else.

Mason Michaels - Chester
Mason is the same as Sam but he has been more vocal yet still introverted. Mason has been known for being simply helpful and that makes him better socially than Sam but he is loyal and committed to his best friend that is why he rather not leave his best friend’s side to find other friends. He also adores how secretly smart Sam is and Sam is also the reason why he has the reason to be brave, he promises to always stand up for Sam. Just like Sam, he is also secretly an alter and that’s what makes them together in life separated from anybody else.

Gail Casagrande - S

Gail is one popular girl of the school which is hated by everybody because she acts superior despite of obviously failing in anything. She loves talking shit about how unfortunate people are and she isn’t and she believes that she is the cleanest and classiest person ever. She is Jameson’s girlfriend and she is known to be tight and very protective to his boyfriend but deep inside, she only loves Jameson because she benefits a lot from him. Yet, she really loves Jameson so much but it is in a toxic way.

Baron Calypso - Andrew

Baron is one over optimistic kid looking forward to follow the society, follow the norm in having a very reckless life that every teen is having and he just enjoy the company of his friends although he is really not into Jameson holding him from being rebellious. He considers Jameson as like his big brother that is why he has no choice to follow but if he is given a chance, he wants to discover the world than just being smart and only having an idea of it.


Kyler Montes - Kyle

Kyler is known to be the coolest person of the friends because he is not just attractive but he also is a video game geek. He is the richest of the group and his place is where him and his friends hang out the most. He is popularly known to be a successful YouTube gamer and besides that, nothing else can describe him. He does even consider gaming as the best addiction everybody could ever get.

Clint de Luna - Garren

Clint is one broke, reckless and something that Baron wants to be. He is also known to be depressing yet everybody considers him to be cool for being that. He is known to be a party-goes and he always try to convince his friends in drinking alcohol but Jameson is against that, it is also the reason why him and Jameson does not get along most of the time. Despite of being an open alcohol person, he is rumored to also be taking drugs, marijuana and a dealer of it but he keeps refusing it.

Stevie Rivera - Lauren

Gail is the most perfect friend of the circle because she is really the glue that keeps the circle together and she is very empathic to everyone that she knows. Despite of how annoying Gail is, she remains understanding but she is also known to be frank to everybody in exchange of her kindness. Just like Kyler, she considers shopping as a great addiction that she is very proud about.

Desiree Valentine - Jojo

Desiree is Sam’s older sister that is moving in near Sam’s place because she cares a lot for his younger brother. She is very understanding but also known to be annoying. Desiree is also known to be reckless and brave that is why she understands her rebellious brother but she has no idea yet about Sam’s secret life yet. She is just there to make sure Sam is on the right track into succeeding school.


Sir Fieldman - he is the adviser of the class and he is very close with his students.

I am so hyped up for this series because I am sure that everybody will come out to be interesting. No matter how bad, good, neutral their personality are, we do not know yet and we are not in the position to judge so let them tell their stories to who they are all about and lets not take this introduction longer, I would like and love to welcome you to the world of the Alter-native!!!


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