You're Pregnant (Izuku)

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Each of these will be different periods of pregnancy. ( IZUKU (Pregnancy announcement), SHOTO (Pregnancy hardships/baby shower), KATSUKI (Ultrasound/gender reveal), EIJIRO (Picking out the baby's name), TOMURA (Birth), and for HITOSHI (Your brother meeting the baby)). 


You open your sixth pregnancy test. Maybe the other five were wrong. You couldn't be pregnant. 

You drop the test and slump against the bathroom sink. Who were you kidding? Another test wouldn't change things. You and Tenya were going to have a baby. Now there was just a question of how to tell him and Izuku. 

You quickly clean up your mess and head to your living room. Tenya wasn't home from patrol yet so the home was silent and peaceful, basically the opposite of how you were feeling. You grab the phone and sit down onto your favorite chair. 

As badly as you want to tell you husband first, it was probably a bad idea to break the news while he was possibly catching bad guys, so instead you dial up Izuku. 

He picks up on the first ring, answering with a very cheery "Hey sis!"

"Uh, hey, listen, I've got some pretty big news for you."

"Oh no, did something happen? Do you need help? Should I call All Might or Aizawa? Oh my gosh, are you bleeding? Is your house on fire? Is-"

"IZUKU! I said I had big news not that I was dying." You tell him half chuckling. 

"Oh, sorry." He responds. You can practically picture him blushing and doing his awkward pose.

"Anyway... I wanted to tell you that I'm pregnant."


More Silence.

Even more sil- is he dead?


Cue intense happy screaming.

You rip the phone away from your ear laughing. Despite the phone being away from your ear you can still hear your brother scream and talking excitedly.

You're glad he took it so well, now, hopefully Tenya will take it well too.


Hey guys, quick question. I was thinking about making a second and maybe a third book. They wouldn't be squeals or anything, but just different characters. Like a book for sister scenarios but with female characters from MHA, and then maybe another one for more characters in general. That way I could cover more characters without adding extra chapters in this book. 


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