Sick Day (Bakugo)

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You bang your head against the bathroom wall. You had just thrown up and were pissed off about it. Getting sick meant missing school, and missing school meant Bakugo would get more practice and therefore would pull ahead of you.

You hear a knock at the door. "What?!" You shout. "I need the bathroom. Get out!" Bakugo screams back. "Make me." You snap back, staying where you were. Suddenly the door flies open and Bakugo marches into the bathroom. You glare at him from your position on the floor and give him the middle finger. 

He plugs his nose and scrunches his face. "It's smell horrible in here, what did you do? Rub a dead animal all over you?" He snaps. You respond by throwing up once more into the toilet. He gags and slams the door shut.

Let's just say that you stayed home for the rest of the day. When Bakugo got home he avoided you like a plague, so you messed with him by chasing him down and breathing germs in his face. Best sick day ever.

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