You're Pregnant (Todoroki)

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You glare at the bag in front of you. Your swollen belly keeps you from crouching down and grabbing it, making you frustrated. Then you hear laughter from behind you. You turn to see Shoto standing there.

He was there helping you get the house around for the baby shower you were having that afternoon. Your husband, Katsuki was out buying extra supplies needed for the shower. Your other siblings were working on decoration and food.

Colorful banners hung from the ceiling, and balloons covered doorways. The house had been cleaned and picked over serval times to look this clean. The smell of fresh cookies and other treats wafted in from the kitchen.

Everything was going well. Except the damn bag in front of you. It was full of paper plates and cups and was needed in the kitchen. You had offered to grab it without thinking about how far down it was, now here you were.

You send your brother a dirty look and cross your arms. "Fine, you get it."

He laughed as he walked over and picked up the bag. "You act you're pregnant or something."

You shake your head, trying not to smile. "You're an ass."

He chuckles and heads into the kitchen with the bag, you follow muttering under your breath. Fuyumi runs around the kitchen, triple checking that everything's in place before guests arrive. She snatches the bag from Shoto, and begins putting the paper dishes in their proper place. 

"With the way you're running around, one might think that it's the most important event of the year or something." You joke. 

"Well, to me it is. I just want to make sure everything is perfect." Fuyumi responds. "Oh, by the way, you got a package. I put it on the table."

You nod and go get the package. It plain and has no return address. Inside sits a small bag and a card. You reach for the bag first, gently pulling it open. Out falls a baby-sized beanie with a blue flame design. 

Your heart thuds. Already knowing who signed the card you shakily pick it up.

'Sorry I couldn't be there. Treat the kid right and don't let your asshole of a husband fuck the kid up. - Toya'

Dropping the card you hug the beanie. Whether your child would know him or not, they had an uncle that cared in some odd way.


Years later your child would still have the beanie, using for their toys and stuffed animals, eventually putting it in their keepsakes. It wasn't the only thing Toya sent. Every year on their birthday, your child would receive a small package.


I'm Back! I can't promise super regular posting, but I've moved and feeling better so I should be posting. 

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