Kidnapped (Shinso)

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You stand in line, waiting to check out. You had run to the store to grab some snacks. You went by yourself because Shinso was busy and your parents were at work. Finally it's your turn. You pay for your stuff and head outside.

It's dark out and there are few people left in the parking lot as you walk out to your car. You breath in the chill air and smile. You open your trunk and puts the bags in. Then you get an eerie feeling.

You look around, and pause. You can't see anything. You decide to hurry up and get out of there. You shut the trunk and come face to face with a man clothed in a grey and black bodysuit. You gasp and take a step back.

From using your quirk you deduce he's bad news. You turn and try to run but don't get very far. The man throws you over his shoulder. You kick and hit but nothing gets him to release his grip. Then a smokey black portal appears. He carries you through.

Once on the other side, he throws you to the ground. You look around. You're in some sort of bar, several people are there. One of them walks towards you, he has purple scars covering his lower mouth and under his eyes.

"This her?" He asks. Bodysuit nods.

He looks at me and smiles. "Hello princess, welcome to your new home for a short while."

"What do you want with me?" You growl.

"We don't want you really, we actually want your brother and his quirk." The man with with blue hair, and a hand on his face explains.

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