Christmas (Kirishima)

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Every year you see who wakes up first. You or Eijirou. 

Because of past years of setting your alarms for midnight and earlier you mother banned alarms on Christmas. So now it was just whoever woke up first won. The winner got to open presents first.

You open your eyes and fly out of bed. You look at the clock and check the time. 6:45. Next you quietly rush to your brothers room. 

The blankets are bunched up blocking your view.

Suddenly two arms wrap around your middle, causing you to yelp. 

"I win!" He chuckles, setting you down.

"Hmph." You stick out your tongue.

Together you make you way to the living room and turn on the TV waiting for your parents to wake up.

When they do wake up, you all make breakfast and open presents. This year your parents made the mistake of buying you both Nerf guns.

You spend the rest of the day shooting at your brother and hiding from his shots.

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