You're Pregnant (Shinso)

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You were laying next to Eijiro, who was passed tf out, staring at the case next to your side of the hospital bed. A small baby girl lay inside it, sleeping. You smiled silently; you had made that. She had Eijiro's eyes and your hair. You couldn't wait to see what her future had in store for her. 

You jump as the door starts to open quietly. Hitoshi pokes his head in and waves. You motion for him to be quiet and enter, pointing at your sleeping fiance and baby. He nods and comes closer. He leans over his niece and smiles. "She's cute, except for the fact she kinda looks like you."

You roll your eyes and hit him in the shoulder. He holds up his hands in surrender, chuckling. Then your baby begins to stir, causing Hitoshi to pause.

You sit up, trying not to wake Eijiro, which was pretty hard considering he was taking over most of the small bed. "You wanna hold her?"

"I don't know... what if I drop her or something?"

You pick up your baby and giggle. "You won't, but if you do you'll be paying her hospital bills." You show him how to hold the baby and place the small child into his hands. 

Hitoshi falls silent as he stares at the baby. "Hello there. I'm your uncle. I'll be the one making sure your parents don't ruin you." 

You grab your phone and quickly snap a photo. This was going to be the cover of your child's baby book.


BOOM! Three chapters in one day! Coming up next is Your Brother is Evil Pt 2. Each chapter will be a continuation of the first part.

I'll try to post soon, but if you've been following this book for a while you know how bad I am at updating most of the time. Much love!

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