Sibling Fight (Todoroki)

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You were P.O.ed. 

You woke up from a horrible nightmare, stubbed your toe (TWICE), lost your homework, and you stained your favorite shirt. It wasn't even 9:30 AM yet.

You slunk down stairs and whipped open a cabinet to the bowls. You grabbed one and slammed it onto the counter. Then you went to the pantry ready to enjoy a good bowl of (fav cereal).

Oh hell nah.

"Who ate my cereal?!" You yelled slamming the door to the pantry shut (Thank God Endeavor wasn't home). "I know it was one of you a holes!"

You continued to slam things around the kitchen looking for something else to eat as Shoto and Natsuo entered the kitchen both looking guilty. Seeing their faces you sent death glares their way.

"Once again you guys couldn't leave me one thing so I could have a little happiness. Cause it's aaalllll about you." You growled, crossing your arms.  

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, how you chill for a hot second, we do stuff for you ALL the time." Natsuo huffed back rolling his eyes.

"Yeah right; you mean like when you threw my doll in the sewers?" You snap back.

Natsuo began laughing. "One; that was when you were, like, 5 years old. And two," He patted Shoto's back and shook his head smiling. "I ain't dealing with you and your hormones right now. Having fun Shoto!"

"What did you just say?!"

"I think you just need to breath. Clearly you're having a bad day, but that's no reason to take it out on us." Shoto tells you calmly.

"You're just mad because you know I'm right."

He gives you a look. "And what makes you think that?"

"I just am." You snap, running out of things to say.

"Okay." He comments, turning around and walking away.

"I'm not done! Come back!" You shout at his retreating figure.

He doesn't come back.


Sorry for the long wait, my family is in the middle of moving. 

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