Sick Day (Izuku)

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You open your eyes but immediately regret it. You squeeze your eyes shut as your head pounds. You slowly try to sit up, but only cause yourself to become extremely dizzy. 

You clutch your stomach and pray you don't vomit. 

You can hear your brother and mother moving about in the kitchen. "Mom?" You call out as loud as you can without getting sick.

A second later she opens your door and peaks in. You must look as bad as you feel because she gasps and rushes over, putting her hand to your forehead.

"You're burning up. How do you feel?" She asks you. You tell her all of your symptoms. She quickly decides to have to stay in bed and brings you some medicine. 

She bustles out of your room. Izuku stands in the doorway, looking unsure of what to do. He slowly begins to approach your bed. 

You give a weak smile and say "It's okay, Izu, I'm sick. I'm not going to bite you or anything."

He laughs and smiles. For the rest of the day he spends hanging out with you.

By the next morning you feel yourself again. Izuku on the other hand was currently throwing up.


Sorry, it took so long to update. I have been busy with volunteer work and life. With school coming up, I should be on here more often. Hope you're enjoying the book so far!

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