Evil Pt 2 (Shinso)

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Your brother sits across from you in a dark van. The other two men, a blue haired one and one with dark purple scars on his face, they sit upfront driving. While the blonde girl sits next to you humming.

"Don't be afraid y/n, they won't hurt you, I won't let them." Your brother speaks softly, through his mask.

You glare in return. "One of them already hurt me." You use your head to gesture to your scraped knee.

"You'll have to forgive him for that. Accidents happen."

You scoff. "It wouldn't have happened if you didn't kidnap me. Ever think about that?"

He chuckles. "Just as stubborn as always." He pauses. "I have a good reason for taking you. A multitude actually."

"You gonna tell me or keep it mysterious?"

He chuckles again. "Your police training makes you ideal for weapons fighting, your quirk would be great for interrogation, and most importantly, you're my sister."

"I stopped being your sister the day you left me."

He thinks for a moment. "If you'll let me, I'd like to try again." 

You wanted to say no because of your job, but every other part begged you to say yes. So you did.

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