You Nearly Die Trying To Save Your Brother (Tomura)

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Twice had brought a new person with him today. You didn't like him. Made rude comments towards the League and basically said that your brother's plan was shit. Well, it kind was, but only YOU were allowed to say that. Then he asked the League to join him.

Your brother only glared and told him to leave, it was Magne that became angry and attacked the guy. There was only seconds before we watched her explode into a pile of blood. Some of her blood splattered onto your face, stunning you. 

The man only wiped off the blood, blaming Magne's death on her for throwing the first punch. The League only stood in stunned silence. That is, until Mr. Compress and your brother leaped towards the man, full of rage.

"Don't you idiots!" You yell, jumping towards them to intervene. You're only able to knock your brother out of the way in time, just brushing Compresses coat.  You yelp as more blood hits you, this time from Compresses arm, well, the place where his arm used to be.

You and Tomura rolled on the ground, you careful not to get touched by your brother's hand. You glared at the newcomer and whipped out a knife. "How dare you!" You scream, throwing the knife.

He dodges it and run towards you. You pull out another knife and drop into a fighting stance. You were used to dodging your opponents hands thanks to your brother, you were ready to defend yourself and the League.

You dodge and roll as he leaps towards you, hands extended. You turn around and swipe your knife at his face, catching his arm. He growled and whipped his hand towards your face, creating a spike from the floor that rushed towards you. At the same time you brought up your knife towards his chest. The spike enters your side, making you flinch and causing your knife to hit his shoulder. The spike retracts from your side, dropping you to the floor.

Only for his goonies to bust in. He jumps back behind the safety of his crew. Tomura filled with a new rage jumped towards him one last time. One of his goonies stepped in the way receiving the full power of Tomura's quirk. With that they retreat, leaving the League to deal with their loses. 

You clutched your side, trying to stop blood flow. Then everything went black.

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