Sibling Time (Bakugo)

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You wake up suddenly as your brother walks in, throws some clothes at you and tells you to get ready. When you ask why, he ignores you and slams your door. You roll your eyes and pull on the clothes he tossed at you.

 You roll your eyes and pull on the clothes he tossed at you

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The outfit wasn't that bad, considering Katsuki picked it. You march down to breakfast and see him standing there. 

You raise your eye brows as if to say 'What now?'. He jerks his head towards the door, and walks out the door. You follow him.

He leads you to the car and climbs in. You follow his lead and get in the passenger seat. Then he begins driving.

"Are you going to tell me what we're doing, or are you just going to keep silent and continue kidnapping me?" You ask suddenly. 

He rolls his eyes. "Still deciding." 

You sigh and crank up the radio. Soon you even get Katsuki to rock out with you as you listen to Numb by Lincoln Park.

After a couple hours you finally pull up to a stadium. You give your brother a questioning look and he gives a smug grin.

You were both going to see Linkin Park. You didn't have front row seats but your weren't in the way back either.

After the concert you and your brother head back to the car, both wearing you new Linkin Park shirts. 

"You still haven't said thanks." Katsuki points out. You roll you eyes. "Okay." Instead of thanking him, you quickly punch his arm and run. You can hear him yelling curse words and following you.

On the way home you both rock out to your new CD and joke around. 

Today was pretty rockin.


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