Sibling Time (Izuku)

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You wake up to a sunny morning. You smile to yourself and get ready for the day.

You smile, and head to the kitchen for breakfast

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You smile, and head to the kitchen for breakfast. There instead of food, you find a note.

'Meet me outside! :D - Izu' It reads. You grab your purse and head outside to meet your brother. He stands there in a pair of jeans and an All Might tee.

"What's up?" You greet cheerfully.

"What's up, is that I'm taking you out for a sibling day! Starting with breakfast at the cafe!" He grins back. You laugh and follow him to the cafe.

Together you eat breakfast, almost crying at one point because Izu started doing his Mr. Aizawa impression.

After your done eating, Izu refuses to tell you where your going next. You follow him blindly heading out of town. You get to the edge of some woods and Izu blindfolds you.

He leads you straight, making sure you don't trip on anything as you go. Finally, after what seems like forever, he takes the blindfold off.

Your breath is taken away as you look around. You stand in a clearing in the woods. Flowers are in bloom, trees grant prefect shade, and a pond sits there, calling your name.

You hug your brother as he laughs. Then you spend the rest of the day swimming, playing, looking at clouds, and having a great time.

By the time you get home it's pretty late. You don't care, though. To you, today was PREFECT.

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