You Nearly Die Trying To Your Brother (Shinso)

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Your house was under attack. Well, not just your house but your whole street. Your parents weren't home, only you and Hitoshi. 

Currently you were both trying to be quiet and not draw attention to yourselves in the bathroom. You knew your brother could probably get the men, who were searching your house, to leave with the help of his quirk, but just in case there were more attackers than you thought, you couldn't take the risk.

Suddenly the door was flung open and you were jerked from your hiding spot and onto the floor. Your brother is thrown next to you as the bad guys eye the both of you. 

Two masked men stood in front of you while three others ransacked the house looking for anything of value. The men are having trouble finding any so they grabbed your brother and jerk him to his feet. They scream in his face asking where the valuables where. When he refused to answer they punched him in his gut, causing you to yelp and jump to your feet.

Another man grabs you and holds you as they continue to beat your brother in front of you. You struggle against the guy holding you, becoming more and more panicked and angry. 

"LEAVE HIM THE HELL ALONE!" You scream, throwing back your head into the guys skull behind you. The men dropped Hitoshi  and rushed you. Fueled by adrenaline and anger and duck and hit the first man in the stomach with your shoulders.

Together you crashed to the floor with a loud grunt. For a moment the two of you wrestled, fists flying and legs kicking. You end up on top of him and begin banging his head into the floor, knocking him out.

Then arms wrapped around your waist jerking you off of the unconscious man. You throw back your head once again, smashing his nose. He drops you and clutches his nose. By this point the other men have come to the living room, but Hitoshi had gotten up by now as well. He used his quirk on them while you continue to fight the man. 

You hit him in his stomach, making him double over. As e bent over you bring up your knee and bash him in his face again.

Suddenly a loud bang could be heard throughout the house. First you felt a wetness on your side. Then it felt like a hot iron was being shoved into your side. You glanced down and see your new blood wound gushing blood.

Your brother quickly made the men leave using his quirk and rushed to your side. He placed his hands over your wound while sirens sounded in the distanced. The world around you became blurry and distant. 

"Hang on, (y/n). You're gonna be okay...."

His voice faded out as you slowly went unconscious.


Yeet. Yet another sucky chapter. Anyway, wanted to warn you guys that todayis my last day of school so updates might be far inbetween as I gear up for working at a camp, college,  and being an adult. I'll still update, but be prepared for long waits. 

So sorry, love you all!

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