Rescued (Izuku)

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You were alone once more. Your arm stung from where Shigaraki decayed part of it, trying to get you to talk. You didn't know how much more of this you could take. You prayed your brother would get here soon.

You rest your head on the back of the chair, and sigh. 

It had been two days since you had been taken. Surely by now people knew you were missing. You were not one to run away or disappear for no reason, so hopefully the police would know quickly that you had been kidnapped.

You were starving. They hadn't given you any food since you were brought here. As if to prove this point, your stomach lets out a growl. 

Suddenly you hear a loud bang from outside the door. This is followed by several people yelling. You don't get your hopes up though, the same thing happened yesterday when some of the League came back from missions.

Your hear more banging and then you hear Shigaraki yelling for Kurogiri to get them out of there.

After a minute things quiet down. Then the door opens. You look up and see a pro hero standing there. They come over and untie you, assuring you that you'll be okay.

You're taken to the police station and told to wait. After some time the door opens to reveal your mother and brother. You rush into their arms and begin to cry. 

You were home.

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