37: Final Exams

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(I'm so sorry this was the first gif I could find)

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(I'm so sorry this was the first gif I could find)




1. noun

highly unpleasant physical sensation caused by illness or injury.

2. verb

cause mental or physical pain to.


On the morning of the day of the final exams that would decide your fate for the summer, you felt surprisingly calm. 

Usually, you would've been a nervous wreck before an exam, but you were quite confident in yourself. You got ready for school without a hitch and made your way to school. You didn't stub your toe on the coffee table as you were exiting the house or even stumble over that one tile that was always sticking out on the stairs that descended into the underground train station like you usually did. Everything was going surprisingly well for you that day. Heck, even your breakfast of whatever you usually had tasted better than normal. 

Everything was going so well for you that you couldn't help but feel sceptical. 

After leaving the underground and heading in the direction of U.A, the remainder of your stroll was peaceful. You raised your head to stare up at the sky as you took slow steps down the street. The early summer air was so refreshing in the morning. It was still a little humid from sunrise only being a few hours before. The sky was a light blue and orange brindle with soft accents of white clouds. It expanded above the city like an ever-growing dream. 

Your eyes crinkled as you smiled happily, humming a gentle, rhythmic tune. To you, everywhere was so bright and everything was practically smiling. 

You reached the school building after your leisurely stroll and reached the classroom in no time.

You were pretty early as there was only one other person in the classroom who just happened to be Izuku. 

He was hunched over his desk, completely occupied by the notebook in front of him. He was so focused on whatever he was reading that he didn't even notice you entering the classroom. The room was dead silent except for the sound of pages being turned and Izuku's muttering that you had grown to get used to. 

"Heya." You spoke, breaking the silence. 

Izuku immediately jumped at the sound of your voice and one of his elbows nudged his open pencil case, scattering the contents on the ground. In his haste to pick up his belongings, he banged his head on the table with a loud 'THUD' and quickly brought his hands up to his forehead. 

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