9: What to do, What to do...?

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a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.


"The secnd round of the U.A. sports festival stage is a cavalry battle with the top 42 from the qualifier!" Midnight declared, "Izuku Midorya, who placed first in the qualifier, is worth ten million points!"


Izuku was worth ten million points. 

A whole ten million. 

A burning desire was building up, right in your very soul. The desire to crush anyone who attempted to surpass you. You, as well as the other first years, looked at Izuku with a burning, demonic gaze. 

"Now then, I will explain the rules of the cavalry battle." Over the next 5 minutes, Midnight explained the rules of the cavalry battle. 

"One strategy could be to let someone take your points first so you'll be more free." Ashido thought out loud.

"Now you have fifteen minutes to build your teams! Start!"

'Oh, crud...'  You muttered to yourself.

As you had expected, Bakugo was crowded by many, all wanting to be on his team. He looked over at you, as soon as you saw this, you turned away. 

You stood still, wandering who to approach first. 

"Should I go for him... Or her... Or..." You mumbled to yourself. 

Now, you were panicking, everyone was already in a team, or talking to others about making a team. The 15 minutes that you had to make your teams had almost run out.

2 minutes.

1 minute.

30 seconds. 

10 seconds.

You suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder that made you yelp instantly.

"Hey, Y/N! Since you're pretty small, wanna be the rider for our team?" 




The cavalry battle was about to begin. You looked down at your teammates from where you were sitting as the rider.

"You ready?"


Your team was a little odd. It consisted of Todoroki, Kaminari, and Yaoyorozu. (Yh, yh. I removed Iida from Team Todoroki. :I)

Shoto thought that you might be good for the team because you could manipulate the four elements and since you were small and light, it was easy for your team to carry you around as the rider. And since he was your friend, you decided to get along with it.

Another reason was that you were a bit to nervous to approach anyone from another class and ask to be on their team since everyone in your class was already on a team.

For the majority of the Cavalry Battle, you went around with your team, either defending against other teams that tried to switch your headbands or stealing other headbands. 

Things were looking pretty good for your team. Shoto was at the front, Kaminari was on the left, Yaoyorozu was on the right.

Even though Shoto wasn't the rider, he was going a pretty good job at stopping the other teams from reaching your headbands AND he was helping you take them with his ice. He seemed a lot nicer now that he was on your team.

There were 7 minutes left, at least that was what Present Mic said. The current ranking was shown on the screen. He was a little shocked that Class 1-A wasn't doing that well as everyone thought. 

Even Team Bakugo had dropped to 0 points.

Your team was now face-to-face with Team Midorya. It was a little awkward since you were friends with the people on the team, except for the odd pink-haired girl on the right. Thanks to your competitive nature, you were able to keep your head in the game, focusing only on getting the 10 million points. 

You could feel the disturbingly intimidatingly ominous aura from Shoto. He was really pissed for most of the cavalry battle, but now, Shoto's 'I-am-really-pissed' aura was VERY thick. You shuddered a bit, but you managed to focus. 

You took a shallow breath.

"Sorry, Midorya, but we'll be taking that now."



I know this chapter is short

My lazy ass was brocrastnating again 

I kept saying 'I'll finish tomorow!' 


Btw, thanks for helping me reach 1K reads! YAY!!

Thanks you so much for reading, 

I, the Zizi of the weebs, is now saying bye.

Thanks for reading,


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