4: Security Breach

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spontaneously (adverb): without apparent cause or stimulous, suddenly


"This is a unit three security breach. All students are instructed to please evacuate immediately." The intercom announced.

Your peaceful lunch with the girls was cut short as the announcement interrupted.

You turned to a panic-struck upperclassman on a nearby table to ask what the security breach meant. He whipped his head around with shaken expression, his eyes as wide as saucers.

"It means someone broke through the school's security system! It hasn't happened once for the two years that I've been here!"

The girls bolted out of the cafeteria and into the already mobbed hallway, you instantly followed them. Unfortunately for you, you had a small build. You were short and very light for your age. You were a little shorter than 5'2. ( A/N: sorry if you're not actually short but it kinda fits with the story so plz roll with it (>.< ) ).

You were easily swept away by the large crowd of U.A. students; losing sight of your friends. Everyone was just pushing and shoving as you tried to hold on to a nearby wall, so you wouldn't be carried away even more. You were mercilessly nudged and elbowed by the mob of teenagers that were trying to get to the exit. It was absolute madness!

You were spontaneously pinned to the wall that you were holding on to by a much taller person. The sweet, light scent of vanilla and mint drifted around in the air and tickled your nostrils ever so slightly. You carefully raised your head to see who the owner of the pleasant smell was.

A pair of bright, emerald eyes met your e/c ones. You instantly knew it was your good friend, Izuku.

"Izu-chan! Fancy running into you here!" You joked, trying to make the unexpected encounter less awkward.

"Y-Y-Y/n?! I'm so sorry!" He spluttered, a rosy hue dusted his freckled cheeks. You giggled at his cuteness.

"It's okay," You laughed, "It's better than being trapped against a wall with someone I don't know."

His blush deepened.

'Cute!' You internally squealed.' No way! Did I just call Izu-chan cute?!'

You felt your cheeks heat up when you realized what you were thinking. Your cheeks tinted with a slight pink.

Your eyes wandered around, landing on anything but Izuku. You realized how close the two of you were standing and tried to widen the gap by turning your head away from him. That was a huge mistake as you felt your nose softly brush against the tender skin of his neck. A squeak was audible from the adorably flustered cinnamon roll that was just centimeters away from having his body completely smooshed against yours. With all the commotion from the crowd and pushing and shoving, your embarrassing, sticky situation wasn't getting any better for neither of you.

Without warning, someone accidentally nudged Izuku's back, causing him to stumble forward and almost fall on top of you. He propped himself back up with his elbows against the wall, now towering above you with your face stuffed in the crook of his neck. You could smell the tranquil scent of mint and vanilla again. Your face heated up even more because of the unexpected contact. You were like that for a while, more people were nudging each other, making it more flustering for both of you.

A 'fwooooshhhh' was heard as well as a familiarly stern voice.

"Everybody calm down!" Iida spoke in a very well collected manner, "It's just the media, the teachers are taking care of it!"

Immediately after Iida spoke, sighs of relief were audible throughout the hallway; the pushing and shoving gradually dying down. Izuku moved back slowly away from you and you could see Iida on top of the exit, plastered on the wall, similar to the man on the exit sign.

"Thanks, man!" someone shouted.

You smiled up at Izuku and gave him a warm, closed eye smile.

"Thanks for saving me back there dude, if it weren't for you, I would've been a squashed tomato on there." You gestured towards the wall that you were leaning on.

"N-No problem," He rubbed the back of his neck, a blush slightly dusting his cheeks.

You made your way back to the classroom with everyone still chatting and thanking Iida for helping everyone calm down. Izuku wanted to make an announcement as the class rep.

He decided that Iida should be class rep instead of him, everyone seemed pretty on board with his decision while Mr. Aizawa didn't really care and just slept in his yellow sleeping bag.

You left the classroom to go to the bathroom when school was over. On your way there, you decided to take a shortcut through an empty hallway. You stuck your hand in your pocket while you were walking and felt a small crumpled sheet of paper in your pocket. With curiosity, you pulled out the note to see what it was.

'Hmm, I don't remember putting this there...'

You unruffled the piece of paper to see it was a note.

You felt a sudden chill that made your h/c hair stand on end as your eyes scanned the words on the note.

Y/n, we're coming to get you. All you have to do is wait.

- Tenko


Fu, fu, fu~

Finished! The last update was really late because I thought it was published only to come back to see that it was saved as a draft, I have decided to apologize by leaving a cliffhanger! HAHAHAHA >o<

;-; I'm on holiday from school, so imma be working on more chapters! I'm gonna update at least twice this holiday!!

I've just managed to buy the deep story in mystic messenger after saving up 80 hourglasses that took me soooo long.

This chapter feels kinda short tho. My usual target is 1000 words but this one hit around 800.

Anyways, thanks for putting up with these mistakes and wierdoness! Shoutout to my 10 readers for getting this story to 39 reads, I really really REALLY appreciate it when someone adds this to their library.

Thanks for reading!!



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