33: Crap

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the devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge of an academic subject, especially by means of books.


Fast forward to the final week of June~

-Only a week remaining until final exams-

"I'm done for..." You sat at your desk, lifeless eyes as you continued to mutter almost incoherent words, "I'm gonna fail... I didn't study at all..."

(Y/N) Yagi: Rank 21/21. Your rank in the class for the midterm exam.

"I-I DIDN'T STUDY AT ALL!" Kaminari wailed from somewhere nearby. He was doubled over, grabbing his hair in an absolute panic. "It totally slipped my mind!" 

Denki Kaminari: Rank 20/21

Mineta was in his own seat with a shit-eating grin on his face as he rested his cheek in his palm, "It sucks that there's gonna be a practical exam too." 

Minoru Mineta: Rank 9/21

"Dammit, Mineta! We thought you were one of us!" Mina whined, pointing at Mineta in an accusing manner, "Traitor!" 

"Ashido! Kaminari! (Y/N)! Let's try the best we can!" Izuku chirped in with his angelic smile. 

Izuku Midorya: Rank 4/21

"Ah, Izuku! You're such an angel!" You sobbed with legitimate tears flowing down your cheeks. 

"Haven't you been going to class? How on earth did you fail?" Shoto added in, unintentionally sounding quite cold. 

Shoto Todoroki: Rank 5/20

"Damn, Shoto," You pretended to be hurt in the chest, "So cold..."

"That hurts, man," Kaminari dramatically grabbed his chest, "My heart-" 

"I didn't mean to come across so rude-" He quickly tried to apologize for his previous words. How cute.  

"(Y/N), I can help you study!" Kirishima suggested with a toothy grin.

Eijiro Kirishima: Rank 15/21

"You dumbasses really think you can study on your own?" Katsuki butted in, "It'll be like the blind leading the blind."

Katsuki Bakugo: Rank 3/21

He scoffed, watching you and Kirishima in sarcastic amusement. 

"Y-Y-You only get to talk just because you're naturally gifted!" You stammered, wanting to make a snarky remark at him.

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