24: Reminiscence

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a story told about a past event remembered by the narrator.


Your bed was warm and cozy. The sound of voices causing a small commotion was distant but still managed to stir you awake. The moonlight seeping through your curtains cast shadows that tiptoed along the patterned walls.

You yawned and wiped the small spot of drool off your face. Your room was next door to your parents' room, which was right above the kitchen. Wanting to see if your parents were awakeyou quietly exited your bedroom and gently crept over to their door, avoiding the objects in the way.

As you were about to reach for the handle, you stopped short when you heard two voices trying to get over one another.

They were arguing. Your parents never had an argument. You figured that you should return to the comfort of your bed but your curiosity got the better of you.

Trying not to make a sound, you peeked through the gap between the door and the frame.

"There must be something we can do! We can't keep this from her!" It was your mother speaking.

"(M/N), we've been over too many times. We are only supposed to raise her," Your father  replied calmly but there was a hint of frustration in his tone, "we don't have any other choice."

"But we can't keep his existence from her! She needs to know!"

"Honey, calm down," your father sighed, annoyed.

"How can I calm down? She's our daughter now! It's her right to know."

"As I said, I didn't think he would be such a big secret. I'm afraid all we can do is wait."

"But there has to be something we can do...! I can't stand to see (Y/N) forget who she really is..." your mother's voice sounded heartbroken.

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