32: Back to School

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feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility; full of anger.


The students of class 1-A stod outside Feild Gamma, listening to All Might explain your activity for the afternoon. He briefly explained the rules of the rescue-race exercise to the class. You were going to be split into 3 groups of 4 and one group of 5. 

Opposing teams were to race to the center of the labyrinth of factories and the maze-like alleys to see who could reach All Might the first. 

Your nerves were getting the better of you. Especially since you weren't very good under pressure. The flashbacks to what happened to the jug of water at the hospital only made matters worse. 

Was your quirk finally going out of your control? 

You wonder. 

You were up for the first race. Your opponents being Sero, Ojiro, Izuku, Mina, and Iida. 

Their abilities were already known by you, which gave you some form of reassurance. You had taken mental notes on their possible approaches to the exercise. You were well aware that Sero would go overhead with his tape elbows while Mina would use her acid to climb the metal structures of the training ground. You weren't as sure for Iida since his quirk was based on speed, and he needed some sort of jumping power to get through the alleyways if he was going to stay on the ground. 

For a moment, you stared blankly at your hands before the race was about to start. Your quirk. What was wrong with it? Did it get broken? Is there a place where they fixed quirks? Is that even possible?

Frantically shaking your head to get rid of your racing thoughts, you tried your best to concentrate and wait for the cue to start. 

Not long after, there was a countdown followed by a robotic voice bellowed, 


Your heart pounded- you could hear the thumping in your ears as you used all your mental capacity to focus on letting out controlled amounts of your quirk. Using your earth element was the best option for you since it would cause the least destruction if it spiraled out of control. You replicated Sero's technique by using vines to swing from pipe to pipe. You knew this method was quite basic, but you decided to continue using it for two specific reasons. 

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