15: Kacchan vs Ochako

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(of a person or manner) feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest,



The battle between Ochako and Kacchan was about to begin. You were quivering in your seat, overwhelmed by the unbearable feeling of tension and anxiety. Unable to take it anymore, you sprung up from your seat and stomped toward the waiting room.

You swiftly opened the door, seeing that Uraraka already already had some visitors.

"Oh, Iida, Izu-kun, you're here too?" You stepped into the room.

"Oh, hey, (Y/N)" Ochako smiled.

"Hey, Ochako," You smiled back.

"I came to wish you luck for your match with Kacchan," You sweatdropped, "I couldn't help but feel worried,"

"I understand why," Ochako scratched the back of her head as the two boys excused themselves from the room, leaving you alone with Ochako, "It's Bakugo, after all."

"Do your best, okay?"

"Let's meet in the finals!" She chirped, giving you a thumbs up before leaving the room and making her way toward the stage.

"Katsuki... Better go easy on her..."


You stood quivering at the entrance of the area where your class were sat, the worry for your friend never leaving. You clasped your hands together, hoping that Ochako would be okay. 

'What if he explodes her face or--'

"Hey, (Y/N)...? Are you alright?" A tranquil voice came from right behind you.

"H-Huh?!" You shrieked, whipping yourself around, "Oh, S-Sho-kun! You scared me,"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," 

"A-Ah, it's okay," You sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck, feeling a light pink hue creep up your cheeks.

"You were muttering, and you sounded a bit like Midorya," He continued, "Is anything the matter?"

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