13: Sparkle

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state of confused and noisy disturbance.


Once Izuku's first match was over, he had a short exchange of words with Shinso. The students from Shinso's class praised him for his ability, as well as some pro heroes that were in the stands.

Thankfully, Izuku only had a few scratches from his battle with Shinso.

You couldn't help but smile as the two boys left the center stage. 

"What are you smiling for, midget?" Katsuki sat with his arms crossed next to you.

"Nothing~" You beamed.

"Tch," Katsuki clicked his tongue and instantly averted his gaze from your insanely bright smile that was on par with Kirishima's toothy grin, "Dumb midget."

Izuku entered the area where you and your classmates sat. You noticed that he had a bandage in his index and middle fingers. You decided to take the opportunity to stand up and congratulate him for his victory.

"Izu-kun, you did great!" You exclaimed, eyes sparkling slightly.

"O-Oh, (Y/N), t-thanks, I didn't really do much anyways..." He rubbed the back if this neck sheepishly, blushing at your compliment.

"Don't degrade yourself so much. You're great!" You beamed, patting the seat next to you, gesturing for him to sit down, "I saved you a seat."

" T-Thanks," He sat down next to you, shoulders and arms stiff.

You smiled, shifting your gaze to the middle of the stadium as the next battle was about to start.

Next was Shoto v.s. Sero.

No one else seemed to notice but Shoto looked a little down as the battle was about to begin.

Did he run into his father?

You shrugged of the thought and concentrated on Shoto as he strode onto the stage.

As soon as their battle began, Sero sent tape from both of his round elbows and was about to swing Shoto out of bounds. Just a few feet away from the line, Shoto sent a wave of ice through Sero's tape and freezing his body along with 50% of the stadium.

The crowd of spectators were unmistakably shocked by the sudden turn of events.

Midnight asked Sero a question that had a very obvious answer, which was no.

Sero was declared immobile and Shoto was the winner.

Suddenly, a woman in the crowd shouted, " Don't worry about it!"

Soon enough, the same phrase repeatedly echoed around the arena.

Shoto walked over to where Sero was encased in the freezing cold ice. He placed his hand on Sero's chest and activated his fire quirk. Enough to melt Sero out of the ice, but not enough to burn him.

There was a lengthy break to defrost the rather large fraction of the stadium that Shoto had frozen.

Shoto didn't have his calm, relaxed aura around him anymore. Instead he seemed a little... sad. That was the word to describe it.


The next battle was Denki Kaminari, the electric boy in class 1-A, versus Shiozaki Ibara, a girl from 1-B with vines on her head.

Once the battle began, Kaminari went his 1.3 million volts attack at Ibara, which was blocked with a thick wall of vines, similar to yours. Ibara then sent a chunk if vines underground and wrapped up Kaminari, who was instantly in his 'yay' mode, causing you and a few if your classmates to face palm.

The battle ended quickly and Ibara was the winner.

The fights now were ending pretty quickly. Next was Tenya Iida, the 1-A class rep versus Mei Hatsume, a slightly crazy girl from support course, Class 1-C.

Mei had given Iida some support items to 'make it fair' but instead of actually having a proper fight, Mei used the chance to advertise her 'babies' for the support companies that were watching.

As soon as she had advertised everything, she strode of the stage with a satisfied smile. The whole thing was incredibly unexpected, it left everyone's mouths agape in their seats.

"H-Hatsume is out of bounds. Iida is the winner!" Midnight seemed shocked too.

Poor Iida. So much for a first match.

The next fight was yours.

Your name and face came up on the large screen, as well as your sparkling opponent, Yuga Aoyama.

It began with Aoyama sending his naval laser at you, which you dodged skillfully. You skated around him swiftly on your ice.

Your main plan was to find a way to push Aoyama out of bounds and end the battle quickly.

You couldn't get close to him, or else he would instantly hit you with his laser. As he continued to blast the sparkling periwinkle light at you, you began to notice that he was getting more and more fatigued. You decided to let him reach his quirk limit. Once he did, you gathered a good  clump of water, turned it into a large fist and used it to pick Aoyama up. Then you covered the water fist in earth to make sure he couldn't escape.

Good thing you ate a large salad and drank a lot of water at lunch.

"Aoyama is unable to move. Yagi is the winner!" Midnight raised her cuffed wrist.

The crowd roared as you unimobilised Aoyama, freeing him from the aqua and earth prison you created. You noticed his clothes were slightly damp, so you used your flame quirk to dry him up.

You returned to the bleachers, where you were congratulated by your friends.

You heaved a long sigh as you plopped down on a seat, wondering who your next match would be against.


Hello, maties!

I couldn't update on Saturday since me and my weeb friend gyal went to watch the BNHA: Heroes Rising movie.

BUT, I tried to publish faster by smacking myself anytime I procrastinated.

This chapter might've been a bit dry and short, apologies for that, luv.

Anyways, thank you so much for reading, peace!


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