5: Strange Note and the U.S.J Attack

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Get ready, kids! This is gonna be a long ass chapter!

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Get ready, kids! This is gonna be a long ass chapter!


frisky (adjective): lively, high spirited or playful


Y/n we're coming to get you. All you have to do is wait.


For the next few days, the note crumpled note that you had discovered in your pocket haunted you. Just the thought of the note was enough to send eeire chills running down your spine. You'd normally space out during classes, trying to find out what the note meant.

You were in class, telling the class as thoughts of the note clouded your mind.

'Who sent the note? What do they mean by they'll come for me? Do they know where I live? Are they--'

Your silent panicking was interrupted as you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked up to see your half 'n' half friend with his hand on your shoulder, worry written all over his face.

"Y/n, are you alright? You look like you've had a lot on your mind since the security breach incident a few days ago..." He patted your shoulder.

"Thanks, Shoto, I'm alright. I was just having some random thoughts, haha," You rubbed the back of your head, trying your best to smile without making it look forced.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, don't worry about me, Sho."

"A-Alright, Mr. Aizawa told us to change into our hero costumes and meet him outside."

"Ok, let's go together!" You stood up, ruffling his hair and smiled "Remember when I used to do that? Your hair is still so soft!"

You went over to the shelf where your hero costume was waiting for you in its case.

"I still haven't tried on my costume since I missed Uncle's hero basics training. I can't wait to try on my costume! I hope they have all the stuff I asked for! I'm so excited!!"

Shoto only chuckled lightly at your rambling. You giggled excitedly and walked out of the classroom with him trailing behind you. You strolled to the changing rooms, having a little small talk on the way. You split ways when you arrived at the changing rooms.

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