30: Quirk

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(with reference to a feeling or emotion) disappear or cause to disappear.



You started at the door of your hospital room as it opened. Uncle Toshi entered the room carrying a bag that looked like it belonged to you.

He placed the bag down on the nightstand and took a seat. He looked slightly troubles as he walked in. As if he was deep in thought. As if something was bothering him.

You didn't want to ask anything about it, but you knew there was something different.

After thinking long and hard about it for a while, you finally made up your mind.

You wanted to quit the Hero Course. And you had to find a way to tell your uncle the news.

You clenched your fists tightly on the flawless white bedsheets, wrinkling the soft material as you did so.

You took a deep breath and you tried to swallow the huge lump in your throat.

"Uncle Toshi, can I talk to you about something...?" You asked cautiously, your voice was small.

"What is it, (Y/N)?" He replied with a question of his won as he sat down on the empty chair next to your bed. He was in his muscular form, and it was a little bit difficult for his large frame to move freely in the small space between the bed and the chair that stood next to it.

Your breath hitched; heart pounded. You had to find some way to squeeze the words out.

Your fists on the bed sheets tightened further.

"I... I want to quit the hero course." You shut your eyes tightly and managed to blurt out.

Your uncle stayed silent for a few seconds, which felt like hours. The sudden silence was becoming unbearable and you slowly opened your eyes, hesitantly raising your head.

He had a look of utter shock on his face, as if he had a hard time processing what you said. He finally managed to process what you said, and asked, "How come...?"

"I just feel like being a hero isn't for me," You looked down at your hands, "I spent some time thinking about it actually."

He stayed silent and watched as you continued, "I... I just don't feel like I'm cut out for this," Your vision began to blur with tears as you tried to blink them away, "Every time I come across something scary, my body tenses up and I can't think of what to do. In the sports festival, I could barely stand my ground against Katsuki, and I-I," Your voice was now breaking as your tears started to flow.

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