19: Accepting Defeat

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an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food.


You were now shaking uncontrollably as your match against Katsuki was about to start. As soon as the word 'begin!' reached your ears, Katsuki sent an explosion right at you, which you only dodged by a hair. 

As soon as the heat of the small explosion reached the skin on your face, your nerves that caused you to feel a sense of fear were replaced by a rush of adrenaline. Katsuki's explosions were on a loop as you swiftly dodged in search of an opening. 

He continued on the offensive while you continued to dodge. You used your water quirk to cool down the air around you and limit the power of Katsuki's explosions before going around him and landing a kick on his back, sending him stumbling forward. 

"A DIRECT HIT!" Present Mic cheered.

He instinctively turned around and used his explosion on the area that he thought you were still stood. You continued to use your water to cool him down and prevent his palms from sweating as his sweat fuels his quirk.

You hopped back and landed a few feet away from the range of Katsuki's explosions. 

You took the chance to create a huge wall of thorns and sent them rushing towards Katsuki. He caught on to your plan to immobilise him and propelled himself over your wall of thorns and when he was within arm's reach, a small explosion emitted from his palm. You instinctively used your arms to shield your face but was caught off guard when you felt another explosion on your back. You turned around to see no one there. 

'Sly bastard,' You hissed in your head.

He had used a smokescreen to distract you before landing a hit on your back. 

He might've been a huge hot head with an overly inflated ego, but he could really think on the spot. 

There was a sudden yank on your arm and you felt yourself get flipped over Katsuki's shoulder, landing hard on your back.

Damn it!

You let out a small battle cry as a surge of pain spread from your back to the rest of your body.

As you landed on the ground, used your air element to push Katsuki back, giving you a little time to stand up and recover.

You quickly got back up to your feet, feeling a little weakened from the sudden attack but you weren't going to let yourself get beaten so easily. 

You gritted your teeth as you realised your quirk was slowly creeping towards its limit. 

You used your air to raise yourself a few meters into the air and rocketed down right toward Katsuki, ready to unleash an attack.

He used his explosions to penetrate upward towards you. Mid-air, he grabbed you by your collar and flipped your positions so that he was on top. You drew in a quick, surprised breath as there was crackling from Katsuki's palm and you were plummeting toward the ground with the help of Katsuki's explosions. 

You felt all the air and strength leave your body as you landed hard on your back for the second time. The all too familiar pain rushed through your whole body, this time, it was a lot worse. All the force from Katsuki's finishing move had been directed at your small form, engulfing both you and Katsuki in smoke and debris. 

It all happened too fast.

The people watching were at the edge of their seats, waiting for the results of your battle. Katsuki's move was too fast to be seen clearly. Most of them weren't exactly sure what had happened. 

The whole audience was frozen in shock as the compound of smoke, debris, and dust was beginning to clear. 

When the smoke cleared, the result showed. 

Katsuki was on top of you with one hand holding you down by your face while the other held your wrist tightly. His foot was on your other hand and your pelvis what pinned down by his knee. You didn't bother to move since all of your strength had left your body.

You were both panting and staring at each other with unreadable expressions before Midnight announced, "Yagi is immobilised! Bakugo wins!" 

The crowd erupted in cheers and whistles upon the announcement. Katsuki got off you and you stood up by yourself, dusting yourself off before leaving the stage with a small shadow cast over your eyes. You gave one last bow before you headed into the tunnel. Once you turned round a corner, you stopped and slapped your cheeks with both hands and shook your head. You continued to slap your cheeks to shake away whatever you were feeling.

"Negativity, begone!" 

"(Y-Y/N)?!" Izuku yelped as he came around the corner. He had just seen you slap yourself as soon as he turned around the corner, "Why are you slapping yourself?"

"Oh! Izuku-kun!" You looked up.

"But why did you just slap yourself? It could make your scratches worse!" He worried. 

"It's okay, I was just going to Recovery Girl to get myself cleaned up," you furrowed your brows and moved your hands around as you were speaking.

"Uhm, I just wanted to say that you did really well fighting against Kacchan and all, I mean Kacchan is really awesome," He rambled on before stopping himself, "I don't mean you're not awesome or anything! I mean your quirk is really cool and not just your quirk, I really--" 

"Thanks," You chuckled and waved your hand in front of your face, "It means a lot coming from you."

"C-Coming from me?" He sputtered. His face going slightly red as he pointed at himself with his arm that wasn't broken.

"I mean, you're really cool, plus I really like how you jot things down in your notebook. It's actually pretty cute," You explained, not registering what you said. By the time you realised, it was too late to take it back.


"Hey! We're here!" You exclaimed, changing the subject and pointing at the door.


"You can go back to everyone else," You said, "It's just a few little scratches."

"O-Okay, I'll see you later," Izuku waved before disappearing from your sight.


Ah, this was pretty short. 

So how're ya'll doing?

I definitely don't feel like drinking bleach rn


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