25: Grief

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intense sorrow, especially caused by someone's death.


After the commotion around the children's playground died down, the Nomu that you and Shoto had successfully captured was taken away. Blaze had just finished contacting the agency by the time you and Shoto had immobilized the Nomu. He seemed quite surprised.

"Good job, you two," He said as you watched the Nomu get taken away.

"I wonder where these keep coming from..." You murmured.

After Blaze had finished contacting the agency, more heroes had arrived. Though they were a little bit late since you and Shoto had already taken care of it.

"Head back to the office and we'll take care of the damage," Blaze ordered, "I'll have to fill in a report later."

You and Shoto nodded in unison and entered a vehicle that took you back to the agency. The ride was mostly silent. All that was audible was the sound of the engine and low breathing.

Upon your entry into the building, a secretary approached you.

"(Y/N)-san, Todoroki-san, Endeavor has requested for you to report to his office," She said and bowed her head.

"W-We'll be right there!" You replied quickly.

Shoto simply nodded with a slightly disgruntled expression.

The building was very large and it was difficult to find your way around. But you still managed to find your way towards his office.

Once you reached the door, you knocked gently.

"Come in." He said as soon as you knocked.

Shoto entered first and you followed, closing the door behind you.

"(Y/N). Shoto." Endeavor stood up from his desk. "Get ready for tomorrow because we're going out. You'll get to see what a real pro is capable of."

You nodded.

Shoto tutted dismissively and looked away.

"You're dismissed."

You exited the main office feeling excited for the next day, though the same couldn't be said for Shoto.

He didn't usually look too happy in general but this time, he looked a lot more annoyed than his neutral expression. 


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