2: Reunion

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hana () : (noun) Japanese word for flower 


For security reasons, you were reported as missing by the police to keep your identity hidden. It was only a cover-up of the truth. You moved in with your uncle Toshinori and moved far away from Musutafu. You never got the chance to say goodbye to your friends for your existance was supposed to be a secret.

After your parents' funeral, you began living with your fun-loving uncle who also happened to be the no.1 hero. Your uncle Toshi decided to change your surname to Yagi, matching his own. This was supposed to avoid getting recognized as the deceased pro heroes' reported 'missing' child. The (L/N) heroes were remembered as the heroes who suffered a tragic death in a house fire. 

Especially since you were homeschooled, being called Yagi instead of (L/N) took quite a lot of getting used to. For the whole of Elementary school and Junior high, you were taught by a private teacher and a separate room to study in. Even though it got lonely at times, it was a little bit fun because you could just lazy around for the rest of the day, watching T.V. with no one to bother you, except your Uncle All Might. Since you only knew two people, All Might and your private teacher, you lacked social skills and was a complete nervous wreck when paying for a bag of popcorn at the store. 

Apart from that, you were pretty cheerful and optimistic. During your time in Junior High, All Might helped you train your elemental quirk. You even ended up manifesting another quirk, fairly similar or if not, the downright same as All Might's. He got a job offer about 11 months before you were moving into High school from U.A. He accepted and thought it would be best for you to go there since he would be able to keep an eye on you for most of the day. 

During the 10 months that you were training for the U.A. entrance exam, your uncle didn't seem to be having enough time to train with you. Since he was going to start teaching at U.A. soon, you thought he was just busy with teacher work. 

On some occasions, you would catch him with a strangely familiar green-haired boy that looked about your age at the beach park during your morning jogs. You thought nothing of it for the time being. 

That was until the day of the entrance exam. Around dawn when you were going for your usual morning jogs, you saw your uncle with the same boy and he was holding up what seemed to be a strand of his golden hair out to the boy. It was strange and being the smart child you were, you knew something was up. You shrugged your shoulders.

'You can think of that later, (Y/N), time to ace those exams!'

Time Skip

The time for the entrance exam was here. You trekked all the way to the venue for the exam, U.A. High School, and arrived at the auditorium for the opening speech a little bit too early. You pulled out the week's issue of the Shonen Jump magazine and caught up on what you had missed while you munched on a croissant. 

Once everyone began to file into the auditorium, you put away your magazine and quickly finished your late breakfast.

The opening speech was to tell all the examinees how the entrance exam was going to work. It was fairly simple.

All you had to do was destroy a bunch of robots and rack up as much points as possible.

When the speech was over, you filed out of the auditorium and made your way to battle centre A where you were assigned.

Upon your arrival at the gate, you noticed an ash-blonde that unlike the rest, didn't look nervous at all. He had this crazed, smug grin on his face like he was excited for what was going to happen.


Like he felt your gaze, the ash-blonde turned around and made eye contact with you. He stared right into your (e/c) eyes with his piercing crimson ones. His scorching gaze made your hair stand on end. You immediately turned around to face away from him but could even feel the intimidating aura that surrounded him.


The horn, indicating the exam had started blared and everyone rushed into the battle centre.


Finally finished!

This was kinda short tho

I'm sorry if there's any typos

I'm really enjoying writing these and I'm working on the next part right away.

Tysm for reading this

Please comment what you think


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