23: Off to Internships

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have an angry or sullen look on one's face; scowl.


"SIR THIS IS A M--" You slammed your fist down on your alarm less than two seconds after it went off.

"What time is it...?" You groaned, swinging your legs off your bed.

5:00 am on the dot.

Tired, you rubbed your eyes and practically slid out of your bed and onto the floor.

It was so early. But you couldn't afford to be late to Endeavour's Agency on the first day of your internship.

You groaned again, this time, a lot louder and stood up from the floor.

After doing all the necessary things to do in the morning, you headed down stairs to grab something to eat.

"Morning, Uncle Toshi," you yawned.

"Good morning, (Y/N)," He was sitting on the sofa and reading a newspaper while drinking tea.

You walked over to the kitchen.

"I heard about your chosen agency for field training," All Might started, "I see you chose Endevour."

"What about it?" You asked, picking your favourite cereal from the cupboard.

"Are you sure about it?" He asked with slight worry in his tone, "Endeavour is known to be quite intimidating."

"Don't worry about it," you waved your hand dismissively, "Shoto is also going with Endeavour so I'll be fine."

As you were pouring the cereal into your bowl, you noticed the box was almost empty. Tipping it over a little bit more, the most dreaded thing came out of the box.

Cereal dust.



Of all things to eat, you chose air. Not exactly a filling breakfast for your first day of your internship. Your appetite had been lost after you saw the monstrous cereal dust pour out of the box.

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