26: Nightmare

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a frightening or unpleasant dream.


Last Night

"What's going on?" You stared around your surroundings, confused.

Everything around you was turning into dust. You tried to pick up a flower on the ground but it quickly disintigrated as well.

"Hello...?" You called out.

In front of you was a house that looked like it belonged to a large family. As you tried to go towards it, the ground beneath your feet started to crumble. You caught glimpse of a family that were fading away along with the house. Across from them were two small children. A little boy and a girl who looked younger than the boy.

He sat shaking with his head in his hands while the little girl watched him, not knowing what to do. As you tried to reach out to them, they blew away like grains in the wind. The ground under your feet was gone completely and you felt yourself falling. You could see the same children run away in another direction.

"W-Wait!" You tried to get their attention but your efforts were fruitless.

The next thing you knew, you landed in what looked like a garden. The garden looked all to familiar. You knew exactly where you were.

Your father's garden.

But how? More importantly, why?

You turned around, wandering if it was all real. Then you saw it. Your old house.

It looked like nothing had happened to it. Exactly like you remembered.

The fluttering curtains, the large window that allowed you to see the garden from the inside of the house, and the little (f/c) rubber boots that stood beside the door.

You stood up and walked towards the house. Before you could reach the door, you were violently pushed back by a scorching rush of air. Screwing your eyes shut, you used your arms to protect your face from the force of the explosion.

Hesitantly, you opened your eyes.

There it was. That horrific scene replaying itself right before your very eyes. Your house was up in flames. Again.

"No... Not again... Please..." Your voice barely managed to escape your parched throat.

The sight that you were willing to forget just replayed itself.

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