27: Night

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un unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.


You pressed the power button on your phone over and over but it was no use.

Your battery had gone flat at the worst possible time.

As if the day couldn't get any worse. You were sleep deprived in an unfamiliar city that was in the middle of a villain attack and no way to contact anybody because of your dead, useless phone.

You groaned in pure, absolute frustration and tiredness.

Now, it was time to use your head.

You skimmed through your memories, trying to recall the location that was displayed on the map on your phone.

You couldn't remember anything.

This was bad. Really bad.

Taking an uneducated guess, you decided to walk straight ahead. You looked up at the night sky and stared at the dark sheet above, dotted with stars.

It would've been a peaceful night, if not for the smoke that fogged the sky and the screaming that could he heared in the distance.

Even though you were running around, trying to find someone, you continued to look at the sky. As you went up ahead, you caught sight of two figures standing on a rooftop. They were both wearing black, though the taller one looked like they were wearing a butler-like outfit and you couldn't tell if they had a face or not.

The shorter figure had light gray hair with the indistinct image of red sneakers and a full black outfit.

What were they doing there in the midst of all this chaos?

Weren't they scared?

You were planning to approach them until you made eye contact with the shorter figure.

You could recognise that hand on his face from anywhere. It was the guy that attacked the USJ with a bunch of villains during your rescue training. You instantly felt a shiver down your spine once you remembered the details about him.

His name was Tomura Shigaraki and his quirk was decay. He could instantly turn anything touched into dust. It didn't matter whether it was living or not.

His visible eye burned holes into your skull as you tried to tear your gaze away. Suddenly, he spoke.

"You..." He said and held out his hand.

He was slowly walking towards you. You couldn't move an inch.

'Move, legs!' You screamed in your head but you were too afraid to move.

Once you finally got a hold of yourself, you turned around in an attempt to run away.

As if he anticipated your actions, he shouted, "Kurogiri!"

In the direction you were running, a black mist appeared in front of you and you had already fallen inside it before you could come to a halt.


You felt yourself falling and landed hard on the ground. You opened your eyes that you shut before and looked around. You were in the middle of a dark alleyway.

Rubbing your sore back, you looked up. In front of you was Shigaraki himself. And Kurogiri was nowhere in sight.

He stepped closer and closer towards you and you were mortified. You tried to scramble backwards but you froze when your back hit a wall.

What was he trying to do?

You swallowed the fat lump in your throat as time seemed like it was slowing and your breathing began to go heavy.

A few steps later, he stopped and peered into your face, his sharp gaze locking you in place. He reached his hand out towards your head and you pushed yourself further into the wall to lean away from him.

You recalled what happened to Mr. Aizawa's elbow when Shigaraki touched it with his whole hand.

He was going to turn you into dust.

You screwed your eyes shut.

You felt a hand touch your head, but you weren't decaying.


You opened your eyes slowly and raised your head.

He took the hand off his face and smiled.

"I finally found you..."


"No need to worry, it'll all piece together soon enough," He gently patted your head, "I'll be back for you."

He stepped away from you with a gentle smile plastered on his face and disappeared into a black fog.

You felt yourself get swallowed by the same fog and you landed right where you had started.

"Huh?" You looked around to see if you could find a trace of him anywhere but he was gone.

What did he mean when he said he was going to find you?

All this just made you more and more confused.

You sat on the ground, dazed, unable to process what had just happened.

You didn't recall ever meeting him in the past, but he acted like he knew you got his whole life.

You heared footsteps heading toward you and you jumped when you heared your name.


It was Shoto.

"Are you hurt?" He asked and bent down to your level.

He reached out a hand to place on your head but you flinched back.

"I'm fine..."

Surprised, he pulled away but said nothing of it.

"That's good," he muttered, "I've got to go find Midorya..."

Shoto quickly stood up and and ran in an opposite direction, leaving you still shocked.

"W-Wait," You were still shaky but managed to get on your feet and ran after him.

You followed him through the labyrinth streets until he made a swift turn into an alleyway and you followed suit.

"(Y/N)!" You heared Izuku's voice shout.

Was he alright?

You turned around at the sound of your name to see two blades flying right at you.


They were piercing the air at full speed and there was no way you could dodge them in time.




What's gonna happen next? Lol

Anyways, thanks for reading this far and the wait for this chapter was way too long.

Sorry about that!

I'll try to make new chapters faster with the holiday time I've got left!

Thanks again,


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