20: U.A. Sports Festival End

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a final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a story.


You sat silently in Recovery Girl's office while she healed your wounds. Turns out that what you thought were a few scratches were actually cracks in your bones that you didn't realise were there due to the adrenaline rush from your fight with Katsuki. It all felt so pathetic how you had lost so easily when you were sure you'd have won.

One second, Katsuki was firing endless explosions at you. Then the next, you were immobilised on the ground. 

Once she finished off with covering your scratches and healing your bones, Recovery Girl handed you a few gummy bears. You thanked her and bowed before heading out.

After Recovery Girl had used her quirk on you, you started to feel really fatigued and headed toward the stands to join the rest of your classmates. 

On your way back, you spotted a certain redhead down the other side of the corridor. 

"(Y/N)!" Kirishima called and waved one arm frantically over his head while the other was cupped beside his mouth to project his voice to get your attention while he approached you.  

"Hey, Kirishima," You waved back and gave a halfhearted smile, Your disappointment was instantly washed away as you saw your friend coming towards you with his usual toothy grin. Your smile grew slowly as he got closer.

"Dude!, you were awesome back there!" He started, "That was cool to see you hold your own against Bakugo like that! It was really manly of you to face of against him so easily!" 

"But I still lost," you shifted your gaze to your feet and frowned as your previous disappointment was slowly creeping towards you again, "I didn't really put up much of a fight either." 

"Hey, don't be so sad," His grin transformed into a small, soft smile as he placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, "I lost to Bakugo too, you know. So, that makes us losing buddies!" 


"We only lost to Bakugo this time, but soon, we'll get stronger and beat him!" He pumped his fist into the air and looked down at you with an encouraging twinkle in his eyes.

"Yeah!" You nodded and looked up at him with your own smile.

"Come on, you don't wanna miss Bakugo's and Todorki's match, do you?"

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