29: Stain

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take part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons.


You gulped and tightened your grip on the blade. 

"It's now or never..." 

"W-Wait!" Iida stopped you as you were about to pull the knife out of your leg. You looked over at him with a panicked, confused expression as he was still on the floor, "Don't pull it out!" He managed to choke out, despite the burning sensation in his injured shoulder. 

He quickly mentioned how the bleeding would get worse if you did so. You nodded and thanked him, getting back into your fighting stance. 

"How rude of you to ignore me!" Stain bellowed, throwing one of his many knives at you. Instantly, you were nudged out of the way and a wall of ice blocked your vision. The knives thrown at you managed to graze your arm and your cheek.

You looked up to see Todoroki with his arm out after creating a shield of ice to protect you and himself. You sighed with relief when you saw he wasn't hurt. 

Looking around the ice, you noticed Stain, the mask over his eyes covered a fraction of his face but you could still see the crazed expression he had on his face. 

"Why you...!" Todoroki snapped, sending a burst of flames towards the Hero Killer. Thankfully, he was careful enough to not let his sudden attack hit Izuku or Iida. 

Using this as an opportunity, you sprinted towards Native, the injured pro hero, in the narrow alleyway while Izuku and Shoto stared Stain down, anticipating his next attack. 

Once he did, their rally of attack resumed. Stain's paralyzing effect had finally worn off Iida and he was back up again, despite his still bleeding shoulder. 

Feeling more determined, you ran for the injured pro in the midst of all the chaos. You decided you would make him a little bit lighter with your air element so you could carry him easily. With every step, you took, the cold, but the burning sting from the blades that impaled your lower leg still remained. 

"You're just a kid, but didn't anyone teach you to not turn your back against your enemy?!" You heard Stain sneer as you were about to carry Native. 

Suddenly, everything blurred, and felt like it was in slow motion. As you were about to reach for the paralyzed pro, there was an impact on your back and it sounded like something was being sliced through. Your eyes widened as you felt yourself almost fall forward but managed to catch yourself before you did. 

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