7: Do Your Best!

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the quality of being determined; firmness of purpose.


The sun was shining brightly, the birds were chirping. It was a lovely day. Not a day to be annoyed because SOMEBODY didn't tell you that they had found a successor for One For All, leaving you to stalk them to find out yourself. You hummed a cheery tune, smiling and trying not to snap your pencil in half, in your seat next to Kirishima while Mr. Aizawa was making an anouncement. 

"The fight isn't over yet..." Mr. Aizawa muttered to the class, making everyone tense up, including you. "U.A is holding its annual sports festival."

"A sports festival....?!" Kaminari yelled, "I keep forgetting this is an actual school!"

"Wait, hold up! That sounds like something villains would try to infiltrate... Will it be alright?" Mineta tried to protest, looking like he was gonna pee his pants.

Mr. Aizawa then explained that the sports festival was going to be held regardless as a way to show that the school is confident and can handle crisis control. He also added that the police presence would be 5 times more secure as a form of reassurance.

He continued, "What you should be thinking about is, what a huge chance the academy's sports festival presents for you all. This isn't some event that'll be brought to a halt by the likes of villains."

"Isn't the U.A. sports festival one of Japan's biggest events?" 

"Indeed. Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events! In the past, the Olympics was the sports festivity that was most important to the whole nation. Now, since the appearance of Quirks, what has taken the place of the Olympics in Japan is now the U.A. sports festival!"

The class began to converse on how many Pro Heroes would be watching and scouting students for internships.


"Now I feel the tension!" Kirishima was pumped up for the festival, as well as some of your other classmates. 

"If we put in the effort and stand out to a pro, it'll be a giant leap forward!" You held your fist up in the air and gave Kirishima a fist bump. "Prepare to be crushed." You smirked.

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